Would you survive the Constant


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You got trap in the Constant for 1 year which is 70 days you need to survive 70 day to get out of the Constant there are a few rule

Rule number 1 Every DST characters are in there with you.

Rule number 2 1 day are 16 hours.

Rule number 3 carfting take a few minute.

Rule number 4 the map is you own world map.

Rule number 5 Thirst you must drink.

Rule number 6 you can craft thing outside of the game mechanic like if you can make a bucket of poop you can make just bucket.

Rule number 7 you must work they do not tolerate lazy people you need to do some work any work.

To calculate your hunger you must eat and look at the hunger points it give you or your weight + your height = your hunger in the metric system.

To calculate your sanity just need your i.q. test plus your e.q. test.

To calculate your health do pushups each pushups is 5 health or situps then its 2.5 or just your weight + height.

Then you need 1 core mechanic anything crafting tab, meter, or stat but it's you need to give a reason how it related to you it's optional.

Then you need at least 1 major upside like it related to the core mechanic or releated to you maximum is 2 it's optional.

Then 3 minor upside 5 is maximum it's optional.

1 major downside no limit it's optional.

3 minor downside no limit it's optional.

To calculate how long and wide your island is 1 shard is a hour and if wilson have a runing speed of 8 mph run from bottom/top to the top/bottom and from left/right to right/left test on your island and see how long and wide your island is.

Then will you survive?

Edited by Paoling
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On 2/24/2022 at 1:47 AM, Waoling said:

You got trap in the Constant for 1 year which is 70 days you need to survive 70 day to get out of the Constant there are a few rule

Rule number 1 Every DST characters are in there with you.

Rule number 2 1 day are 16 hours.

Rule number 3 carfting take a few minute.

Rule number 4 the map is you own world map.

Rule number 5 Thirst you must drink.

Rule number 6 you can craft thing outside of the game mechanic like if you can make a bucket of poop you can make just bucket.

Rule number 7 you must work they do not tolerate lazy people you need to do some work any work.

To calculate your hunger you must eat and look at the hunger points it give you or your weight + your height = your hunger in the metric system.

To calculate your sanity just need your i.q. test plus your e.q. test.

To calculate your health do pushups each pushups is 5 health or situps then its 2.5 or just your weight + height.

Then you need 1 core mechanic anything crafting tab, meter, or stat but it's you need to give a reason how it related to you it's optional.

Then you need at least 1 major upside like it related to the core mechanic or releated to you maximum is 2 it's optional.

Then 3 minor upside 5 is maximum it's optional.

1 major downside no limit it's optional.

3 minor downside no limit it's optional.

To calculate how long and wide your island is 1 shard is a hour and if wilson have a runing speed of 8 mph run from bottom/top to the top/bottom and from left/right to right/left test on your island and see how long and wide your island is.

Then will you survive?

No. Because I would go crazy without a bed or air-conditioning.

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this is such a fun Idea but it has not a single reply so here I am to do this thread justice! 

so to start with my character, it's based off me right? and the issue is, I don't know if it means that I got pulled into the constant from the modern era or if I'm supposed to be from the era the DST characters are from

well, if it modern era, maybe my core mechanic can be something related to video games! because they're my passion, I can just imagine the crafting tab being a bunch of video game references that can help in various ways(like a Nail that would let you block attacks or a lightbulb that can light the way or an eternal banana that never spoils or a megaphone that only works on clockworks and makes them do various things like dance or let's you control them(very obscure reference) or just some freaking Danganronpa plushies that give some extra sanity! who knows!)

well let's toss that aside for a second, when it comes to the stats. my hp's is around 130 which is pretty bad, not going to lie. my sanity is 175, which is pretty good. the hunger one is confusing so I'm just gonna go with 200 cuz I can go a long while without food

my 3 minor upsides are:

1. I can run a teensy bit faster than other characters (like 5%)

2.I gain a very small amount of extra hunger from food I eat(as in, I get full quickly) an example would be like meatballs give 66 hunger, when I eat them, I would get 72.6 which isn't much extra but still! kinda useful 

3.I can do Walter's story time thing but better than him because I know better stories so the survivor get some more sanity

my major upside is most probably that I get a LOT of sanity when I use the things from my special crafting tab

as for the downsides

1. weak so 0.75 damage

2. scared so extra sanity loss from monsters

3. dumb so crafting takes a bit extra 

major downside is that lose sanity very quickly when I'm not using any of the things that are from my tab, but I would be able to use them in bunch of ways, like putting the danganronpa plushies on a backpack so that negates the sanity or carrying something around negates it 

so let's start with explaining, I would probably be able to survive the first days easy, but then the hounds show and when it comes to the hounds, I don't really have to fight them because I can just get wolfgang or wendy and abigail to help me out 

and I can probably help out with gathering like chopping trees and picking twigs and stuff

winters also not that bad since I can just rely on wolfgang or the others to defeat deerclops, but I can also do some farming to make up for the lack of help

then spring rolls around and it's not bad either, and finally summer, by then, I'd hope I at least learned to fish so I can help out with the oasis 

but I think I can survive (with some over reliance on the other characters). well that was fun, thank you for making this post! @Waoling


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I saw this a long time ago but wasn't sure how to answer.
Is this a one-sided hypothesis, a theoretical question, or an RPG that needs to run continuously like D&D? If it's just answering the question, rules 2 to 6 are not necessary, and there's no need for a map. 
The way to calculate health is also seriously unbalanced. For untrained people, there is a gap between the average number of sit-ups and push-ups that mans and womens can achieve, women have lower averages, but that shouldn't mean women have lower health than men. And based on the game's 150 base HP, that algorithm is equivalent to requiring at least 30 pushups or 60 situps, which is too high a requirement! But in terms of weight + height, most people will exceed 150. 

Sorry for being too rules lawyer, I'm too accustomed to writing rules and rebalancing, now I will try to answer questions

I can do about 35 sit-ups a minute. So 87HP (decimals rounded). Excluding calculations, I consider my health to be average or slightly below.
Sanity should also take the average.
Hunger...hard to tell, I only eat 2 meals a day, sometimes 1(don't worry, it's my own choice). So definitely less consumption than regular.
Major upside:
Walk fast? +30%movement, yay!
Minor upside:
1.Resistant to hunger
2.Less likely to get lost (Even in unfamiliar places. Everyone thinks it's weird, like having a minimap inside my head)
3.Owl vision (often spotting small details others miss, and has partial darkvision)

Major downside:
Bad stomach, picky eater (Dramatically narrowed my food choices)
Minor downside:
1.Prone to overheating (This may not be accurate due to uncertainty about the actual temperature and climate of Constant)
2.Long rest (need more sleep)
3.Slowly. (slow doing most things)

I don't have any extra skills, because there is no need for what I do, so I have to start from scratch.
I figured I could be responsible for scouting and gathering rarer resources, and fighting like most, then stand by the Ice Box or Ice Flingomatic in the summer 

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