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Some general / random changes to upgrade some general / random game elements

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Hi there, I just felt like suggesting today things I had on a list for a while but I usually don't take the time to take topics for ideas, so here's the whole bunch of things I usually talk about around friends and they're pretty liked modifications of the game, with extra details of course. I will also post some time later a list of suggestions but toward modding, these here are just about gameplay and experience.


Ability to use key binds to equip items EVEN while having an item on the mouse :

I decided to put this on the very top of the suggestions because that's what currently gets me the most killed in the game, because my pc has been acting up a lot lately, I often need to click many times for items to successfully put themselves back in the inventory.
I have a big delay for the item to follow the cursor, not a bug, just me

Due to that, I'm totally unable to change of weapons, armors, anything, while I have an item selected. This doesn't make every fights super problematic but all the ones requiring more tools than normal (Fuelweaver, Crab King... and actually any other if you want to organise your pockets meanwhile). I hope this wouldn't be too much of a deal to integrate, I'm aware selected items can be used with keybinds to refuel things and probably some other scenarios but probably this wouldn't make anything incompatible if the player knows what he's doing.


Some actions should ignore elements on the screen :

This one is just as important and I'll give 4 situations where it turns annoying :

  1. Fishing in the oasis because of fireflies
  2. Watering the soil while they're crops around
  3. Placing deployable items nearby containers
  4. Repairing boats while there's already so many patches around

Probably there's more, but all of previous one are a bit unique in their ways. Noisy places shouldn't make certain actions requiring precise clicking while there's not really anything else you could be doing, I don't wish to move because I clicked on a firefly while fishing or examine a crop when I wanted to water them. The 3rd situation is probably something Geometric Placement enjoyers suffers a lot from because certain containers are so big it's impossible to place a mini-sign right under them compared to ice box, chests, even if these are already to pixel-perfect. The store action should be skipped on certain things like items we can place or feather pencils (I'm aware it's usually things that only concerns players using GP but this represents a massive part of the community)


Earthquake safe areas around pillars :

So pillars aren't especially useful outside of blocking the way when you build or try to escape an army of monkeys and terrorbeaks (happened to us all at least once)
While they aren't common to every biome, a fair share of them has their different pillars in concerning amounts.
From what I've been experiencing between friends when it comes to build in the caves, there are various things that are unnecessary difficult to maintain in caves just because of earthquakes. Pillars have been doing nothing from us but messing up base / road patterns and block our view. They're okay, visually speaking, but they should at least come in handy to compensate the trouble of having them around.
I was thinking about 2 things, one that we'll discuss later but for now all of them should make an earthquake safe area around them where debris doesn't fall in a fairly generous area.
Players will be able to build pens around them, preserve their walls, geckos and many things safe from tiny rocks collapsing over and over.

(also that will be pretty cool if falling debris where looking if they have a free offset to spawn instead of landing on rocks and other structures, it's pretty horrible to be sniped by a bouncing flint out of nowhere)


Renewable Fossils & more "pillars" changes :

Not a very original suggestion, been around for as long as fossils exist (for over 3 billions years :encouragement:), but something should be done about this once for all. Fossil number depends of RNG and event ongoings, they can be lost to lureplants, meteors, fall in the void, and even by preventing as bad as you want to loose them, there can be a large different of skeleton sets from a world to another.
Many things could be done, changing bone shards from the bone armor / helm recipes, but also stalagmites could be renewable.

How about making them respawn under certain types of pillars, the stalactites ones actually :

0-.thumb.jpg.f3b89331038a5ff329c1fac214a84ea4.jpgThese ones doesn't block players but they still prevent building so that could be handy to let a free space to generate stalagmites based on rain in caves. Also if this idea sounds good these should be a little more regular (in most biomes with stalagmites at least) and have more space between them since there is most of time tons of full pillars around them. I think such giants structures should be managed from the help of setpieces instead of distributed randomly, sometimes they spawn very close to the edge (almost flying looking), all connected one turf to another which makes the area not only weird looking but also very very difficult to explore, I already had spaces I couldn't travel to because of pillars. So their spawn should be improved.



Fuel Hutch with Mushlights items :

Hutch has the little downside of using only perishable items, lightbulbs and glow berries, I can understand it's supposed to put a duration between the light and upgrade but this doesn't really achieve anything since lightbulbs are extremely common but generate rot in the end. I would like to have something waste-less at the end by allowing Enlightened Crown Shards, spores and Winter's Feasts lights to replicate the same effect without making rot, that would also make his light colourable which sounds cute (I've been told the WF lights works but without making colours :cry:). Not much, but a pleasant change to our fishy friend.


Some items should auto-stacks when they spawn :

Not that I don't like having the time to make myself some instant noddles while I pick up a whole stack of Glommer's Goop packed on the same spot but this should be a quicker task, I don't know if there are other situations and items that should also stack up automatically so feel free to complete in comments but this one takes for sure the more time to collect. Also there's a feature I never understood where sometimes rot, monster meat and other items try to stack by themselves but this doesn't seems to work entirely. I often end up with double 2x rot piles next to each Mushlights so this could maybe use an improvement and applied to some more resources like grass and twigs ?


Boat Patch should have a quicker action :

This one's the last and on the bottom because it's probably just me but I find it super difficult to repair boat leaks when they are so tiiiiiny. I often end up dropping the whole stack one to two time before I actually manage to click properly on the leak. Either leaks should have an increased clickable area a bit like Drying Racks have or maybe use a right click from inventory directly to plug holes. This is a pretty straightforward QoL change but could save some time to clumsy players like myself.


So that's about it, just wanted to empty the bag, I actually have much more but these are just the most realistic I discussed for a while so there they are. I'm usually only looking to have a healthier experience on the game when it comes to make suggestions so I believe everyone should feel alright with these. :love_heart:

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Yeah, some of these things are real annoyance and could be better than are now - how many times I lost time, by just wrong missclick or something was too tiny to click... Also few times happened to me, when I tried to patch boat, but did slightly too late, like game still allowed to do it, but it was already worthless.

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