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New Enlightened Bernie

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When Willow is fully enlightened Bernie gains a distinct transformation where it floats a few feet off the ground as if possessed. Bernie remains small with a white-ish aurora and has a little bit of a playful dance in the air.

For the little dance I'm thinking a one man Waltz as if Bernie is dancing with something/someone. He could gain a dodge that is similar to the dash gestalts do when attacking but away from enemies.


Have him skipping playfully around in the hair and then spin violently doing some damage. 

Anyways, Bernie needs a transformation for enlightenment.


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1 hour ago, HowlVoid said:

When Willow is fully enlightened Bernie gains a distinct transformation where it floats a few feet off the ground as if possessed.

When I read this I had only one image in my mind that best portrays this





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