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General thoughts about the game

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Hi guys.

I am a big fan of ONI with over 1000h game time already.

I must say that I have a love-hate relationship with the game. I love it for the creativity needed to play I find the game, 1000 ways to solve a problem etc. however, after each longer play session I find myself very tired, usually with a headache and unwilling to do any intellectual work after. 

Playing the game feels a bit like a job to me ( I am a programmer). You find a problem that needs fixing, you look for a good formula but rarely is is a perfect one and does not prove an adrenaline rush with an accomplishment. There is always another task waiting to be solved.

It can be exhausting and I find myself taking 2-4 week breaks from the game to concentrate on "real" problem solving. It's funny but this game sends me on vacation from itself :)

I wonder if you guys feel similar.


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Since its not a "place building and forget" type a game but rather a "everything has consequences" type of game, this can be extremely draining as the simple process of setting up a room has to have a multitude of other factors taken into account such as location, air flow, power supply, access, distance from main areas, materials needed to build, environmental issues, duplicant safety, machine safety, etc etc.

Taking into account the bug which KLei refuses to fix where you decide to play the game for 1hr at 9pm and turn off the game only to realize its 6am in the morning can really make you question whether to play it on a work/school night.

Midgame is a turning point on most players face whether you'll reach space (and conquer it), it does require some level of pushing but once you've done it, it becomes easier the next time.

TL;DR I enjoy the game but I gotta take random breaks too because I get far too involved into it sometimes (Yes I get headaches too).

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