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From the videos i have seen so far, the maps look really expanded with multiple paths to take and so on. Will this be a bit of metroidvania where you have to find items to unlock new areas, backtracking and so on? Please tell me it will. Please dont tell me this will be another straight forward 2D plattformer. I am really interested in this game but i dont want another 5 hours straight forward plattformer which just looks cool but has no depth to it.

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It's actually somewhere in the middle. The game does have discrete levels, it's not a fully connected world a la a Metroidvania, but it's certainly not linear either. But there are a lot of different paths and options, and a lot of choice with the items, playstyles and general approach the player takes. It was absolutely my intention to provide a lot of player choice with both the player's items/abilities and the level spaces themselves.

The level design has a lot in common with Thief or Hitman (or what it seems like Dishonored is looking to do).

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