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How to update variables

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I am making a hud-like pannel for my character stats like level experience boss kill etc... Well it works fine but it does not update itself when the character level ups how i can make it check for any changes? Anyway im leaving my codes.


this is for my character to level up

if inst.experience >= inst.expneededforlevel then
	inst.experience = 0
	inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("kitsura/characters/kitsura/level up")
	inst.level = inst.level + 1
	inst.expneededforlevel = (inst.expneededforlevel * 0 + inst.level * 10)
	inst.components.talker:Say("Level Up!! Level \n".. (inst.level) )

and this is the screen shot of the menu

when this photo taken my character was lvl 1(i am sure he is) and he had some experience with 1 koalefant kill but none of them were updated.


i don't know how to check for if the variables are changed or not.

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51 minutes ago, CarlZalph said:

If the server has caverns then the player is a full client and won't see such updates.

Look into networked variables to pass data from the server to a client, or use the newer mod RPC interface to pass the data.

Well tbh i don't have any idea how to do that... i guess for level and other stuffs i can do it old way. (like in the stat_ui.lua i can enter some vaules depends on level so when my level changes it replaces the number etc.) but for kill count or experiences i need to find another way can't i just connect stat_ui.lua with my character.lua? is it possible? or is there any tutorials for networked variables?

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