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[Guide] The Big Book of DST Character Creation


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@Lovely RosesThat's unusual.

First thing first, I would take a look at the client and server log to see if they have anything to say about the issue. Check out the troubleshoot section on how you can access these.

Other than that, experiment a bit by launching the game with your mod only or without any mods to see how it behaves that way.

Worst case scenario: Extract a second copy of the template and add your changes one by one to see if it breaks the game or not.

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Hi there, I've finally created one character with your guide, it works well, but whenever I tried to run the mod with the item I put with the tutorial you left for making custom items my server won't start, and looking at my client log it says that my mod need a modservercreationmain.lua and a modworldgenmain.lua, I tried looking out for these 2 exact errors and everywhere I look it says that those are files for mods that changes the world settings when you spawn, I tried putting a modservercreationmain.lua with just assets and it functions, but still not opening the server because of the other file that I can't understand what to do with it, there's no info (or I couldn't find it), and noones seems to be having trouble with that.

I also tried copying a mod that uses this template, and only changing his assets but still not working, and giving the same error about missing files.

PrefabFiles = {

Assets = {
    Asset( "IMAGE", "images/saveslot_portraits/worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/saveslot_portraits/worfid.xml" ),

    Asset( "IMAGE", "images/selectscreen_portraits/worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/selectscreen_portraits/worfid.xml" ),
    Asset( "IMAGE", "images/selectscreen_portraits/worfid_silho.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/selectscreen_portraits/worfid_silho.xml" ),

    Asset( "IMAGE", "bigportraits/worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "bigportraits/worfid.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/map_icons/worfid.tex" ),
	Asset( "ATLAS", "images/map_icons/worfid.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/avatars/avatar_worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/avatars/avatar_worfid.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/avatars/avatar_ghost_worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/avatars/avatar_ghost_worfid.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/avatars/self_inspect_worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/avatars/self_inspect_worfid.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/names_worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/names_worfid.xml" ),
	Asset( "IMAGE", "images/names_gold_worfid.tex" ),
    Asset( "ATLAS", "images/names_gold_worfid.xml" ),

local require = GLOBAL.require
local Ingredient = GLOBAL.Ingredient

AddRecipe("blessed pickaxe",{ Ingredient("goldnugget", 3), Ingredient("nightmarefuel", 2)}, GLOBAL.RECIPETABS.TOOLS, GLOBAL.TECH.NONE,nil,nil,nil,1,"miner", "images/inventoryimages/blessedpickaxe.xml", "blessedpickaxe.tex") 


-- The character select screen lines
STRINGS.CHARACTER_TITLES.worfid = "The Blessed Miner"
STRINGS.CHARACTER_DESCRIPTIONS.worfid = "*Perk 1\n*Perk 2\n*Perk 3"

-- Custom speech strings
STRINGS.CHARACTERS.WORFID = require "speech_worfid"

-- The character's name as appears in-game 
STRINGS.SKIN_NAMES.worfid_none = "Worfid"

-- The skins shown in the cycle view window on the character select screen.
-- A good place to see what you can put in here is in skinutils.lua, in the function GetSkinModes
local skin_modes = {
        type = "ghost_skin",
        anim_bank = "ghost",
        idle_anim = "idle", 
        scale = 0.75, 
        offset = { 0, -25 } 
-- Add mod character to mod character list. Also specify a gender. Possible genders are MALE, FEMALE, ROBOT, NEUTRAL, and PLURAL.
AddModCharacter("worfid", "MALE", skin_modes)

This is the hole modmain.lua code, maybe someone could take a look at it, and tell me the error that I can't see.

I also made a topic for my problem, and uploaded every data I could about this error

Thanks in advantage!

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Hey so even though I play on Xbox it would be cool if somehow or someway someone can look and see how to suggest character ideas to klea because it gets so boring waiting and waiting for a new character that's not a mod and even for console it gets boring because we don't have much to do but klea can change that. So if anyone knows how please let me know because I have a lot of character ideas for dst (don't starve together) thank you.

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Hi! so I watched your video on how to make a mod and I am running into a strange error. I don't know why, but the autocompiler won't make a [character].zip file in the anim folder, although it loads fine in the spriter, and the mod functions fine before I change the images. I tried over several times with a fresh copy of the esctemplate, but the error keeps happening.


Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 3.29.52 PM.png

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7 hours ago, BizzBolt5 said:

Hi! so I watched your video on how to make a mod and I am running into a strange error. I don't know why, but the autocompiler won't make a [character].zip file in the anim folder, although it loads fine in the spriter, and the mod functions fine before I change the images. I tried over several times with a fresh copy of the esctemplate, but the error keeps happening.


Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 3.29.52 PM.png

Could be the same problem as this post, please attach your mod including your exported here if the problem still not resolved


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