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Are Pay to Win Modded Servers allowed?

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2 hours ago, --- -.- said:

well we cant control were money goes there's people who spend billions of dollars on private yachts and cars and weird stuff on ebay and even very stupid things... its just how it is.. if they want to flush their money down a toilet or give it to a charity either way its their money and their business not really anybody else is...

That is the kind of thing that tobacco factory owners think before going to bed 

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21 hours ago, Cheggf said:

And how would someone prove to Klei that they actually got banned for no reason instead of them violating the server's rules? That's a lot of babysitting by Klei just so a single server can maybe stay up. I feel like they'd either not care about it at all or shut the server down for the pay to win stuff in the first place, not shut it down only once someone alleges they were scammed.

It would be multiple complaints and possibly have someone try it themselves 

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I think this is great and will be very healthy for the game in the long run, let me explain myself..

A. About server owners making money by running their servers, you have to take in account the following..

1. Managing a decent server takes quite some time and money

2. Creating custom content for the server takes a lot of time and work

3. It encourages people to create custom and unique servers with custom content and gameplay

4. The money you pay are actually donations, you are not entitled to anything, it's just donating for privileges

5. If you think people are getting rich by running community servers like this, then you never tried to run one by yourself, the amount of pay you usually get is not worth for the amount of work you usually put in


B. Why this is very healthy for the game

1. It is going to increase the number of public servers

2. It has the potential to bring a lot of new players to the game

3. It has the potential to prolong the game's lifespan by a lot

4. It's going to bring a lot of value and fun to the community


C. This happened to multiple games, and was proven to be overwhelmingly beneficial for those franchises, one great example would be Counter Strike 1.6 which lived for so long only because of this kind of servers.. 

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