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Removing gas from Spacefarer module?

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Anyone figured out an easy way to remove unwanted gasses from inside the spacefarer module?  You can bottle them.  You can destroy the module.  You can add a gas module and pump it out and then destroy the gas storage.  Would be really nice to have a port that just vents things to space rather than saves it.  I added the gas module to the launch pad, but that require the gas storage device to function.  On small rockets its kinda a pain.


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Build any block in place where is glass, deconstruct that block after and you have hole! You can do whatever you want with it. If hole is big enough for dupe you can have free real estate.

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well, lets take a look at what you can do and what is better for which situation:

the rocket gas port is the best for doing it faster and getting it into a safe place, but needs the port (which needs refined metal) and a gas storage for the rocket

the canister filler doesnt need as much in the way of resources, but can be a bit temperamental if you need constant operation

breaking a tile needs a very hot material to be pumped in, so its not very good unless you  plan on making a massive rocket

deconstructing the module is the fastest but might need you to deconstruct stuff inside and it could mess with the rocket a little bit

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Pump it into a gas pipe that winds back and forth through the ship, use the plumbing skill to drain that pipe occasionally.  If the pipe goes through the right side of the module, using drain pipe on it there will drop the resulting bottles of gas off into space.  It would be nice if there was a way to make this automatic, (without breaking through the side of the ship).  You can store a very large amount of gas in that pipe, however.

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