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Playing for less than a week, several questions

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I playing by that way:

starting 3 dupes - max speed digger(you need to dig a lot), max speed researcher(you need only one for any size of colony), max speed ranching or farming (to start farming as fast as it possible). Add new dupes as fast as it possible.

first 4 cycles all buildings you need - 4 beds, 4 toilets.

Then add electric generator, oxygen generator, add research station

make research for farming, then for coal generators, then for crusher (make refined metal from ore), base automation, then smart batteries, then go straight for incubators.

Use coal generators with smart batteries to produce electricity

dig a lot. I dig starting biome completely around cycle 20. From digging you get enough food and resources for fist 10-20 cycles.

I make design only after I got statues +80 decor. For morale I'm using rooms, especially, you need to build natural reserve in the middle of your base. So, toilet room, dinning room, barrack, natural reserve - +11 morale bonus.

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5 hours ago, BezKa said:

I use gas pumps to filter hydrogen and oxygen out of the locked room. Electrolysers will stop working once the pressure in the room is too high, so I need the pumps to work properly, but vents also stop working at certain pressure, blocking the pumps which blocks the electrolysers. 

Yes and that's not a bad thing. If you remove the gasses fast enough and your base is pressurized to ca. 2 kg / tile they will back up and only produce when needed. Rather than running non-stop. There is no need to store more oxygen than that

With electrolyzers you just need to make sure to burn off the hydrogen fast enough if you enclose them in a small room with pumps. The oxygen itself backing up is fine if set up right. It just means you can produce more oxygen than you need at the moment. Here again smart batteries help. You can set them to turn on hydrogen generators when they're at 60% for example. And turn on coal when you're at 20-40. Then hydrogen will be used first and coal only as a backup.

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