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Personal Feedback to Reap What You Sow

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-I like the new take on some older mechanics in the game, especially trading off the cost of incredibly expensive farm plots to very cheap rigamajig that gives aprox 36 farm plots on first build, really encouraging early game farming.

-Putting in effort if you aren't up to other tasks in the game yield a large amount of return now on crops

-Gardeneer hat for a farming equivalent to cookbook is nice.

-Buff to compost wrap to really make it stand out from normal healing items for it's cost and lengthy use time

-removal of wilting, smouldering on farm crops and encouragement of winter/summer farming


Needs Work:

-Fertilization and soil nutrition seems to be balanced for single plants (in regards to consumption, fertilization, and crop rotation). Heavily buffing fertilization for plots of 9 crops would definitely be more desirable. And possibly increasing a cap/limit on soil nutrition to allow for more flexible and relaxed fertilization and crop rotation/crop pairing would be nice.

-Tilling really slow and imprecise

-Seed Pack-it, while nice for organizing your seeds, doesn't really do much for helping preserve them. Still generally build 2-3 ice boxes next to the farm fields

-Lord of the Fruit Flies is still quite a nuisance for anyone trying to maintain any amount of farm plots. Can't really deter in any way, shows up all year, doesn't leave, and comes without much warning.

-Weeds: would be nice to see a little bit more engagement with them, perhaps transplanting certain desirable weeds into their own contained plot or finding ways to encourage certain growth. Be nice to see a practical use for things like fire nettles and spiny bindweeds, perhaps some additional mechanics/use for wormwood players


Personal Requests:

-Something for cave farming? Maybe a few unique/select foods that could be farmed in caves only, while others can't be farmed in caves

-more wormwood mechanics? Perhaps some more engagement with weeds or able to grow some "home defense" style plants similar to how you could utilize snaptooths in hamlet.

-Moon island farming? Perhaps some plants have different results for farming on the moon island. (Such as carrot crops might yield carrats or dragonfruit might yield saladmanders).

-meat farming of sorts? Friend showed me a picture of digimon farming meat growing out of the ground, and the image gave me a good laugh, and might even fit in theme with DST. Tho farming meat, especially leafy meat, might be a little imbalanced. But it could give something of value to Wigfrid players playing solo.

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16 minutes ago, knaveofclubs22 said:

Lord of the Fruit Flies is still quite a nuisance for anyone trying to maintain any amount of farm plots. Can't really deter in any way, shows up all year, doesn't leave, and comes without much warning.

The Lord of the Fruit Flies won't go more than 7.5 turfs from his spawn point, no matter what. Once you have the Friendly Fruit Fly Fruit, you can park him in some semi-remote location and use him and his Fruit Flies to mass produce weeds. So long as the Lord of the Fruit Flies is still alive, another won't spawn.

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