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Reveal Map?

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local r=25;local p=math.sqrt(3);local q=.5*p*r;local w,h=TheWorld.Map:GetSize();w=4*w;h=4*h;for _,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do for x=-w,w,3*r do for y=-h,h,2*q do v.player_classified.MapExplorer:RevealArea(x,0,y) end end for x=-w+q*p,w,2*q*p do for y=-h+q,h,2*q do v.player_classified.MapExplorer:RevealArea(x,0,y) end end end

Here is the one I use. When you paste it make sure your console is set to Remote instead of Local or it won't work.

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15 minutes ago, fall211 said:

local r=25;local p=math.sqrt(3);local q=.5*p*r;local w,h=TheWorld.Map:GetSize();w=4*w;h=4*h;for _,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do for x=-w,w,3*r do for y=-h,h,2*q do v.player_classified.MapExplorer:RevealArea(x,0,y) end end for x=-w+q*p,w,2*q*p do for y=-h+q,h,2*q do v.player_classified.MapExplorer:RevealArea(x,0,y) end end end

Here is the one I use. When you paste it make sure your console is set to Remote instead of Local or it won't work.

Ayy, hexagon packing.


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