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custom sized bunker doors

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I find it extremely infuriating not being able to align my bunker doors with the center of my rocket. this could be changed by making them let's say 5 blocks wide, but then there would be a problem with old save files.

So I propose making them custom sized. maybe having a minimal size of 3 and maximum of 10. Adding to cost with each added block. with each added block could come the consequence of it taking longer to open. Also making them not being able to be right next to eachother. that would force people to take more realistic approaches rather than having a huge line of unsupported bunker doors. 10 blocks wide doors would be more than sufficient enough to not limit people while still making for more interesting approaches.

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Good idea. I love Bond Movies - In a Bond Movie a bunker door would be 38 tiles wide, with crocodiles underneath. I`m so sad that there still is no crocodiles in the game, totally unrealistic :roll: So sad...



Lets make the limit 50 tiles, where each extra tile doubles the amount of time opening and doubles the power requirement.

Perfect for my 100 MW Widescreen-Bond-Reactor-Bunker-Door. Then I really would start with ONi on Utube.

Also still no Water Dam and Spontini Pizza in the game.


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Wow, it already takes ages to open or close a 4-tile wide bunker door.  It would take a whole cycle to close a 10 tile door.  And gesh, 50?  A week?


I like the idea of a laser better.  Just shoot those asteroids right out of the sky.

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old rockets have 7 width, so 5-tile sized bunker doors will not work neither. 4 is much more better number, 2 of them cover entire rocket + 1 tile (for ladder or sth) and in general 4 is more consistent (same as 2 usual doors, room sizes divided by 4, 4 tiles of dig reach etc...)

not sure if new rockets will need bunkers at all, so problem solved

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