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Maxwells Rework small suggestion & Idle Animation!

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Okay so first off right off the bat I do not play enough Maxwell to warrant what is and is NOT good changes for him but I DO Main Wendy and can compare pre-Rework Wendy & Rework Wendy as an example- 

Wendy used to have a very dumb Abigail who suicided herself into Swamp tentacles to die, which dropped the flower in the dangerous spot Abigail died in.. and Wendy had to craft another one or risk trying to get the flower back herself, in Addition to that.. To even Summon Abigail before her rework required you to throw Abigails flower on the ground and kill an enemy near the flower to trigger Abigail- The people who claim Wendy did not change much with her refresh were being completely biased.. as you can plainly see she changed ALOT.

Now- How is this relevant to Maxwell you ask? Well Pre-Rework Wendy had her Dropping her flower often and having to recover it whenever Abby died, NOW the Flower should never have to leave Wendy’s Inventory at all.. even through Abby’s Death.

So my one Single Suggestion for the Maxwell Rework: He never has to actually drop the Codex Umbra on the ground it never has to leave his inventory... and instead he holds it in one hand while conjuring shadows out of it with the other.

Now as to what his Idle Animation should be.. if it’s anything less then this I’m going to be disappointed.


Hold the book in one hand, raise his other hand above it pulling a shadow out of its pages (probably mr Skitts) before closing the book shut and the shadow disappearing in a dispersed cloud of smoke.

Like a Magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

(the Halloween 2020 costume event and several of the Maxwell cosplays, The Tragic Torch skin burning animations, and several of Klei’s existing artworks for him ultimately inspired this suggestion.)

Any other changes I feel I have no right to suggest because I don’t play him enough.

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