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[Webber] Some ideas for our future leggyboy

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Webber having a decent chance to be scheduled for the next refresh, let us discuss about some ideas.


Webber Escape


What I like :

  • Good stats
  • Unique playstyle
  • Cute

What I don't like :

  • Wendy is vastly superior in terms of farming spiders, which is surprising for a halfspider guy.
  • Pig/bunny hate is a major downside, that requires powerful upsides to compensate, which Webber seems to be lacking.
  • Spider army is time consuming and does not provide a powerful force.
  • Lacks unique crafting abilities, which makes the absurd amounts of spider loots somewhat useless.

While I don't know much about Webber's lore, I'd like to see him struggling between both 8-eyed spider and child sides.

https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dont-starve-game/images/4/42/Webber_Warrior_Skin_Portrait.png/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/90/height/55?cb=20180407042736The predator https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dont-starve-game/images/6/69/Webber_Shadow_Skin_Portrait.png/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/90/height/55?cb=20160426014751


latest?cb=20200319233121The Queen's Venom

Spider Glandx5Monster Meatx3latest?cb=20180913215643x5

Could last a whole day

  • Nightvision
  • An aura that boost walking speed of all befriended spiders around him (Spider army is too slow compared to player's speed and needs time to catch up)
  • +25% damage for Webber
  • x2 Hunger Drain (Makes monster meat a little more valuable)
  • Health drain under day light
  • Makes Webber both angry and hungry.


To keep the "Together" route that Klei seems to have taken since Wortox, I was thinking about a Sticky-Silky projectile functioning like a dart, that acts like Ewecus attack :


It would only slows the attack speed in a way that you could hit once more before dodging, and would be added to Webber craft tab. Don't know if it would be feasible or balanced enough though.

Share your ideas fellows.


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Webber also has very low sanity, which causes a sane-insane-sane cycle to trigger very often. Honestly I find this to be the most annoying con he has in the long run, over the pigs, bunnymen and catcoon racism.

I do not agree with the idea of giving webber a potion that does all that, specially the nightvision or extra damage for no reason, but I think you pointed the main features of where his rework could go: 



Webber should probably buff the spiders in defense and healing more than speed, as their main problem to be used in fights is that they die instantly to anything that has AOE. Allowing them to follow him much longer (many days or even full seasons) could also be a unique way to rework his army, setting him apart of Wurt.



Perhaps a new leap attack that adds range and a bit of aoe could make him a bit more spidery. Sleeping inside tier 3 dens is also a feature requested a lot over the ages, and while I don't think it would be gamechanging, it could be something extra fitting in the spider side. Perhaps to balance it out, it could consume a lot more hunger than sleeping anywhere else, or just restore sanity like a grass roll would.



I agree on this one, web related crafts would fit him well, mostly a throwable object to slow or immobilize groups of enemies temporally, for crowd control.

Perhaps he could also craft the cave variants and lunar variants of dens anywhere.

Unique webbing crafts such as temporary web bridges to cross water gaps or void gaps in the caves would also be interesting. 

Instant deployment walls , like 7 tiles of a web wall that pops instantly and blocks enemies paths, but that dissapears 10 seconds later, would also be an interesting train of thought and open many gameplay routes (it shouldn't block players movement in non pvp servers, to avoid griefing)

Final thought:


Before the "let us ride the spider queen" gang shows up, I'd like to remind again that spider queens live veryvery briefly, and are painfully slow. So unless he can buff their speed and longevity somehow, I don't see that as an useful feature. Buffing queens could be a part of his rework though, I'm not against it, but it could be a bit on the OP side given how hard queens hit. So It's not like im saying that it would be super bad, but I think the idea could need more thought than just adding a saddle and riding them.


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4 hours ago, Petit Citron said:

Wendy is vastly superior in terms of farming spiders, which is surprising for a halfspider guy.

To be perfectly honest, I'm cool with this. Because said loot comes from spider genocoide. It's not nice to genocide your friends.

3 hours ago, ShadowDuelist said:

Webber also has very low sanity, which causes a sane-insane-sane cycle to trigger very often. Honestly I find this to be the most annoying con he has in the long run, over the pigs, bunnymen and catcoon racism.

See, as someone who almost plays exclusively Webber, I find it the opposite. Being used to quickly and easily switching between sane/insane, I find the high sanity of other characters really annoying to deal with. It takes far too much effort to get back to sanity, and I can't nom a single glommer goop to trigger the shadows.

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