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The ancient archives concept

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Within the halls of this great and dead city of ruins there is one hall that is left unchecked and undiscovered until now. The ancient archives a horrible part of the ruins which holds dark and terrible secrets that should stay as secrets for as long as it lives. within these darkened halls lie terror’s and nightmares beyond comprehension, travellers beware of the darkness that lay ahead beyond those dark and shackled doors for only the strongest of mind can survive these bewildering halls.

- location 

generally will appear in the ruins next to the webrinth, the archives can only be accessible through a ornate looking obelisk gate. However the gate will not accept people of sanity or insanity but will require the player to socket in a gem to access the archives.

- the archives itself 

the archives are split into three sections 

= the library 

The library is the more common parts of the archives generally full of broken bookshelves, pillars, statues, piles of rubble and some danger lurking about.

= the observatory 

The observatory is one of the main parts of the archives generally holding more then knowledge but creatures, unnatural objects and locked away treasure.

= the research chamber 

within the heart of the archives lies a chamber which imprisons a dark being of knowledge and curse, traveller beware for what awaits you in the chamber is madness and pain incarnate (things getting spoopy around here)

- creatures

= cursed knowledge 

When you enter the library you might find some books that are on the ground... don’t open them, for book will reach out with its hand and try to attack the player. Fire is the only thing that scares these thing in which they will start running crawling away.

= head haunters & scholars

With dark magic can these statues finally become real, the head haunters and the scholars are shadows broken free from they’re statuette prison and now run rampant through the halls of the archive. A head haunters are passive attacks generally trying to deceive the player or make them walk into certain doom while scholars are more physical generally using the the embedded gem in their staff as a means to a end. These beings are generally neutral but they attack each other without reason and will only attack the player if their presence is known.

= observers 

 Small orbs that float through the halls generally able to read the curse books that lay on the floor of the archives. when they see a player they’ll observe them and follow them around and will only attack if they get too close to the research chamber.

= collectors 

cursed by their curiosity, the collectors traverse the archives collecting strange objects ranging from bones to gems. They’ll try to lure the player with treasures so they can snatch them for their own collection.

- basic creatures 

= batilisks (common)

= spiders (common)

= broken clockworks (uncommon)

- the fuel catalyst 

the darkest secret of the archives and the ruins itself, the fuel catalyst is a being of madness and terror as it lurks and mumbles and speaks of dark things, things that are it’s to share alone forever and ever... until now 


= basic attack: whacks the player with its staff

= concentration: at some it’ll shroud itself becoming somewhat invisible to other players but one and that one would be the prime target

:second phase:

= consume light: the catalyst can consume light base objects as health
= darkness: it’ll darkened the room giving it cover (the darkened parts work like actual darkness)

= terror: it can freeze a player in terror however it leaves the catalyst vulnerable to attacks 

:speed movement:



= 20/15 nightmare fuel

= skeleton blueprints 

= scriptures 10/12

The skeleton blue prints can be learned and used to craft the fuel catalysts skeleton 

the scriptures can be used to cast upon dead skeletons and raise them from the dead 

- biome rules 

= the nightmare phases have effect on this place 

= earthquake’s will not appear in the archives 

= earthquake’s caused by ant lion has no effect on the archives 

= angered creatures will not chase you into the archives 

= when you enter the research chamber, the chamber will close itself there for no one can leave unless if the whole group is dead or if the catalyst is dead 


and that was my concept for the archives and looking at this I could say that this might be a little to much but it’s just a idea nothing more and nothing less


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3 hours ago, gaymime said:

interesting idea but this would be ridiculous to try an implement from a coding perspective

Looking back at it probably be a hassle but thats what ideas are for anyway

1 hour ago, minespatch said:

Maybe another spin-off that explores the ancient civilization?

Thats a great idea seeing how caves themselves are kinda their own island and it would be interesting to play a dlc that forces you to play under a sanity depletion but one must ask ourselves what kind of seasons appear in a cave or Ruin

(Another thing that Popped to mind is that the ruins don't have to be underground they could be on a island which could expand on new ideas on how this island and new part of the world works)

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8 minutes ago, Mr0idealistic said:

Thats a great idea seeing how caves themselves are kinda their own island and it would be interesting to play a dlc that forces you to play under a sanity depletion but one must ask ourselves what kind of seasons appear in a cave or Ruin

That's how I kind of hope for Griftlands as well with the history of that game. I'm pretty sure that any of the Klei games have a history that is unexplored and barely mentioned, but I'm not in charge of Klei, I'll see what they're working on.

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24 minutes ago, minespatch said:

That's how I kind of hope for Griftlands as well with the history of that game. I'm pretty sure that any of the Klei games have a history that is unexplored and barely mentioned, but I'm not in charge of Klei, I'll see what they're working on.

They probably have plans they’re just a little busy on how to unravel things from here on out 

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