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Klei please, some world generation overhaul.

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Not sure how it works on PC but on consoles saving a custom preset for forest or caves sets it to "custom preset #" and there is no way to either delete or overwrite said preset. I was rookie enough to save a few only to discover they stick there so now I have countless custom presets and going over them is a true nightmare.

On the same note, Birds, Twiggy Trees and Grass geckos are just terrible for long running worlds, I literally can't pick up 5 grass tufts without triggering the geckos every so often. I'm starting to go on a shortage of tufts since they don't regrow as fast as geckos spawn. My savannah is a complete desert right now.

Twiggy trees are pure cancer growing everywhere, dropping 2-3 twigs PER TREE year round. That just fries up any console with high day count worlds. Unfortunately my world generated with twiggy trees as a resource variety. Now everytime I make a new world I make sure to make it classic for gods sake. And even then they STILL SPAWN.

Now birds, oh my god, there are instances where 3 birds are on screen, AT ALL TIMES, seeds, rot, twigs, grass, flint. I know all that is necessary but god damn, it starts to get more annoying than everything as times goes by, and why the hell do they land right where you want to place something? Seriously, that must be in their code, c_if_playerisbuilding_spawn("bird",2). Did I crack it? Any way to make seeds disappear instead of turning into rot?

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On PC it's not that different but we can at least go c_removeall("spoiled_food") or c_removeall("twigs") or whatnot, whereas there is no console command that can c_remove you from this nightmare.

I don't remember if we can delete presets on PC now; we used to not be able to, but I specifically stopped using presets because they were cluttering up my settings and the list of things I consistently wanted to increase or decrease was short enough to manually input, so if that was changed in a QoL update at some point it didn't stick in my memory.

Not sure about the bird thing, but it might help to (manually) turn them to Less when you generate the world?

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9 minutes ago, CameoAppearance said:


On PC it's not that different but we can at least go c_removeall("spoiled_food") or c_removeall("twigs") or whatnot, whereas there is no console command that can c_remove you from this nightmare.

I don't remember if we can delete presets on PC now; we used to not be able to, but I specifically stopped using presets because they were cluttering up my settings and the list of things I consistently wanted to increase or decrease was short enough to manually input, so if that was changed in a QoL update at some point it didn't stick in my memory.

Not sure about the bird thing, but it might help to (manually) turn them to Less when you generate the world?



Would be nice to just have a button to delete a preset.

The bird thing, I already tried doing that, losing a 3 thousand days world just because of it... Oof

I made a new world where I found a reed trap and was happy enough with the layout. The thing is, I changed birds to less, and they still spawn non stop. 2 at the same time, on the same screen. Not that much of a difference. To be completely honest birds are not the problem but the amount of things they drop. It's just too much, with 2 birds dropping things every 5 turfs. Rot, rot, rot, rot, everywhere.

And "manually" turning birds to less on console is impossible, we have no console commands... Ironic. No way to change an already generated world.

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2 minutes ago, Kuro_kira said:

And "manually" turning birds to less on console is impossible, we have no console commands... Ironic. No way to change an already generated world.

Oh, yeah, by manually I meant with the worldgen buttons pre-generation as opposed to adding it to a preset. Sounds like it wasn't very helpful though.

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I agree with all of this. I hope they really reduce the amount of clutter that can accumulate in a world. Im only on day 200ish in this one world and theres rot and twigs everywhere. Having tamed a beefalo early also means theres a lot of poop by the roads.. i try to ignore it but i cant help myself from demounting every once in a while to pick up all the junk.. really slows me down 

On 9/9/2020 at 4:10 PM, Well-met said:

Twiggy trees should be attackable with any weapon and they should only drop twigs when they get hurt imo

This sounds like a good fix. 

Seeds dropped by birds should just vanish into nothing when they spoil. Birds drop seeds and dont eat it so it turns into rot and they dont eat that either -_-

birds dropping flint and twigs should be limited to a radius around spawn portal 


id also like it if tamed beefalo only pooped when ur not riding it so the poop collects in a specific area (around salt lick) and isnt deposited all over the world 

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