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So I know you can do c_countprefabs("") to find the number of certain things in your world. I am trying to use this to make sure I didn't accidentally create 2 ant lion spawns. But whenever I run the command, I have no idea where to check to see the number. Is it in the command screen or what? Any help would be awesome thanks!

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7 minutes ago, Scarecrow0_0 said:

oh yay! It works thank you so much. Now the next question would be (seeing that I have 2 spawners in my world) how would I go about deleting one of them?


c_select():Remove() to remove the spawner (note that you need your mouse to be centered at the antlion spawner)


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6 minutes ago, __IvoCZE__ said:


c_select():Remove() to remove the spawner (note that you need your mouse to be centered at the antlion spawner)


This doesn't seem to work, most likely because my mouse isn't exactly centered at the spawner. I tried gonext, then moving up a little bit and removing but nothing got removed when I ran the countprefabs command. Any ideas on how to directly center my mouse on this invisible object?

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