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[code help] gain sanity when killing things

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Hello again. sorry for all the questions..!

this time Its not Giggabyte I need help with.

I'm making a character for my friend, and she wants her character to have a small sanity boost when killing things. not just monsters but even passive creatures like bunnies and birds. I have googled solutions and came across:




though none of these worked. I have also copied the code directly from Wathgrithr's(?) .lua but Im not really sure exactly what bits did what I was wanting and/or what i didnt need to copy and I got lost. I thought about copying the code:

inst:ListenForEvent("onattackother", function(inst, data)
	if data.target.prefab == "spider" then

(from the third link) and just copying this for every creature in the game but that would take forever and would probably cause problems. Ive tried putting code in the masters_postinit spot, above that, under the line "local prefabs = FlattenTree(start_inv, true)" but nothing Im doing is working. I really just need to know what code I need and where I put it. any help is greatly appreciated! thank you in advance!!

Edited by Chirpidi
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You can add a listener for the "killed" event to your character and make a function that increases the sanity every time it happens.

inst:ListenForEvent("killed", OnKill) -- an example

OnKill function can look something like this:

local function OnKill(inst, data)
	local victim = data.victim
	if victim and not victim:HasTag("player") and inst.components.sanity then


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5 hours ago, IThatGuyI said:

You can add a listener for the "killed" event to your character and make a function that increases the sanity every time it happens.

inst:ListenForEvent("killed", OnKill) -- an example

OnKill function can look something like this:

local function OnKill(inst, data)
	local victim = data.victim
	if victim and not victim:HasTag("player") and inst.components.sanity then


Thank you!! I used that and referenced Warthgritr's code again and got it working, thank you so much!!

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