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Character gain sanity upon kill not working


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I have been trying for about 3 days to figure out how to give my custom character a % based sanity regain on killing an enemy based on their max health, like Wigfrid has. I have checked the wathgrithr.lua and cannot seem to get her coding to work with my lua. Also have tried varients of what i want such as a static gain on kill or on hit from other posts in the forum but I don't understand the required syntax that is crashing my game. 


Was wondering if anyone could give me a hand with this issue?


I am currently using this code I pulled off a post from Blueberrys 


-- where inst is the player instance
inst:ListenForEvent("killed", function(inst, data)
    -- inst.components.hunger:DoDelta(10)
Here is a link to my error log
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@Maeltor Your log:

...rve/data/../mods/wiegraf/scripts/prefabs/wiegraf.lua:42: variable 'inst' is not declared

Notice that in my code, I wrote "where inst is the player's instance". That's your problem, inst doesn't refer to anything in your code. Please provide your code so we can explain where it should go.

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Not OP, but I'm stuck on the same thing. I've only ever coded in Java before and I wasn't too great at that, so I'm pretty much clueless! Here's my code so far.

local MakePlayerCharacter = require "prefabs/player_common"local assets = {        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_basic.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles_shiver.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_axe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_pickaxe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_shovel.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_blowdart.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_eat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_item.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_uniqueitem.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_bugnet.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_fishing.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_boomerang.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_bush_hat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_attacks.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_rebirth.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_jump.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_amulet_resurrect.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_teleport.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/wilson_fx.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_one_man_band.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/shadow_hands.zip" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/sfx.fsb" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/wilson.fsb" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/beard.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/athena.zip" ),}local prefabs = {}local start_inv = {	-- Custom starting items}local fn = function(inst)		-- choose which sounds this character will play	inst.soundsname = "willow"	-- Minimap icon	inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "athena.tex" )		-- Stats		inst.components.health:SetMaxHealth(150)	inst.components.hunger:SetMax(150)	inst.components.sanity:SetMax(170)		-- Damage multiplier (optional)    inst.components.combat.damagemultiplier = 1.2		-- Hunger rate (optional)	inst.components.hunger.hungerrate = 1 * TUNING.WILSON_HUNGER_RATE		-- Movement speed (optional)	inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = 4	inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = 6	endreturn MakePlayerCharacter("athena", prefabs, assets, fn, start_inv)

Any help is appreciated and thanks for putting up with us noobs :)

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I took this code from wathgrithr.lua.

inst:ListenForEvent("entity_death", function(wrld, data) 	if data.cause == inst.prefab then		local delta = 10 -- amount		inst.components.health:DoDelta(delta)		inst.components.sanity:DoDelta(delta)		inst.components.hunger:DoDelta(delta)	endend, GetWorld())
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