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Incubators management

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Who is supposed to remove the hatched eggs from the incubators? Wasn't it supposed to be the ranchers? For some reason, in the below setup the eggs hatch and the vole pups stay in there until they are adults. Afterwards, of course, I have to manually wrangle them and release them in the main ranch. That's why I actually built 3 incubators in the ranch itself so they can stay there by default. I have 8 dupes with full ranching capabilities and full prio on ranching.

Any ideas? I'm going nuts with this, I'm well over 1100 cycles and barely managing food in my base. I was banking on this setup which worked perfectly on another map but not so well on this one.


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Because the main ranch is limited to 20 critters max, as drop-off's slider doesn't allow to go above, and the ranch seems to be pretty full already. As it is, I see no way for ranchers to drop more voles in, whether they have been wrangled automatically or manually.

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