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Molecular forge And Energy Food

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I have two very simple suggestions

1) a material-based energy generator, where we would for instance have food deposited and it would generate kind of energy back to the future, would be a clean alternative of energy, but it would take a long time to use because it would consume something like many Dupes more per cycle, and it would be a renewable energy and well sci-fi

2) Molecular forge, would be interesting if she could create several other materials, since we are talking about a molecular forge, something like make a Wheezewort: Seed Mealwood (100) + Ice (500kg)

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I like the idea of excess food and seeds being turned into something useful.

I was thinking about an immobile creature or plant that needs to be fed normal dupe food and produces large amounts of slime but that would be kinda redundant (use food to create slime to farm more food). Power seems more reasonable.

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