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Do I need to create vacuum to improve FPS and lag or is this enough?

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My colony FPS is nothing to write home about, likely due to my CPU. I figured since everything is stable I could go around, organize stuff, and create some no-go zones perhaps. The question is - will that help?

I mean walling off an area, removing all debris within, and then locking it behind a door with no permissions. That should completely exclude those map parts from duplicant calculations, right? But do I need to create vacuum there? How intensive are gas calculations compared to duplicant calculations?

My dupes definitely suffer from that "lemme stand here and think for a sec whether I should build that next tile in the 20 tile row... um, yeah okay, I'll build it. Now how about this next one? Hmmm" syndrome. So I'm hoping the area lock-offs might help, I've read here before that the less paths there are to places the better so closing off places sounds solid too.

But since my temperature screen always drops FPS and all that, I gotta wonder if the gasses etc aren't a bigger issue. I'm digging out the entire map to sort the debris out in 1-element bins and let the gasses meet up and stop traveling, but idk. That might be just an illusion of order that actually torments my CPU more :p But if I packed all the gasses to containers creating multiple vacuum pockets would be SUCH a pain, especially if I may need to meddle with those areas later.

Idk. Is that worth it? Is it gonna be a mad FPS gain? :<

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If the sim runs the same as it did about 6 months ago (no idea since performance changes), vacuum is not much better than gas, but solid and liquid are better than gas/vacuum. Limiting your rails and pipes and number of duplicants also helps. An enormous speed boost for me was to use a half width map with the normal height. Now I can run at 20x with 60fps. Can't really stand anything else.

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I see, well, I guess I'll just try to optimize the systems and pathing then.

20x, you mean speed?

I don't want to make the map smaller tbh, still enjoying a close-to-vanilla experience as much as I can try to :)

I have 12 duplicants. It's the minimum for the colony initiative and already feels like I could use another 10 to get things done lol. But I'm staying strong and not taking in any more. My last colony had 20 and it was unplayable.

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My colony was lagging really badly and I went through and deleted a lot of ladders and built a lot of walls etc to block paths and it made a massive difference - went from "about to give up and quit" to playable if still a bit laggy.


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