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How to make character attract birds like featherhat?

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Hi, guys! I'm trying to make a character that attracts birds, similar to the feather hat.

    local function feather_equip(inst, owner)
        onequip(inst, owner)
        local attractor = owner.components.birdattractor
        if attractor then
            attractor.spawnmodifier:SetModifier(inst, TUNING.BIRD_SPAWN_MAXDELTA_FEATHERHAT, "maxbirds")
            attractor.spawnmodifier:SetModifier(inst, TUNING.BIRD_SPAWN_DELAYDELTA_FEATHERHAT.MIN, "mindelay")
            attractor.spawnmodifier:SetModifier(inst, TUNING.BIRD_SPAWN_DELAYDELTA_FEATHERHAT.MAX, "maxdelay")
            local birdspawner = TheWorld.components.birdspawner
            if birdspawner ~= nil then

This is the feather hat code, but since it calls for a function that equips something (in this case the hat), I'm not sure how to modify it so it's just a component in the character's prefab. 

Additionally, is there anyway to make birds not fly away, but JUST birds? I know I can remove the scarytoprey tag, but that includes other tiny creatures. That's not as important a perk, though. Thanks so much in advance :).

Edited by Breeziy
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local SourceModifierList = require "util/sourcemodifierlist"

local BirdAttractor = Class(function(self, inst)
    self.inst = inst

    -- This modifier is using multple keys, always call CalculateModifierFromKey() with "maxbirds", "mindelay" or "maxdelay"
    self.spawnmodifier = SourceModifierList(inst, 0, SourceModifierList.additive)

function BirdAttractor:GetDebugString()
    local str = string.format("maxbirds:%d, mindelay:%d, maxdelay:%d", self.spawnmodifier:CalculateModifierFromKey("maxbirds"), self.spawnmodifier:CalculateModifierFromKey("mindelay"), self.spawnmodifier:CalculateModifierFromKey("maxdelay"))
    return str

return BirdAttractor

This is the code for the birdattractor component too, if needed. Again, I figure I can go about adding the component but I'm not sure how to write up the modifiers.

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Update: Close, but not quite.

    local birdspawner = TheWorld.components.birdspawner
    if not TheWorld.ismastersim then
            return inst
    if birdspawner ~= nil then
            birdspawner:SetSpawnTimes({min=2, max=5})

I found this to put into the character's prefab under master_postinit, and it seems to get the job done but SetSpawnTimes and SetMaxBirds are both deprecated. The console/log says "use birdattractor.spawnmodifier" but I don't know HOW, as if I just replace birdspawner then it comes back with telling me birdattractor is not declared :x.

I'm close, I just don't quite understand how to accurately write birdattractor.spawnmodifer up.. I tried to find it through the script files but there's no other instance of this particular line being used besides 

print "DEPRECATED: SetSpawnTimes() in birdspawner.lua, use birdattractor.spawnmodifier instead"


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All players already have the birdattractor component. You're close, but since you're reusing the unique keys from the Feather Hat, you'll clash with it. Putting this at the bottom of your character's master_postinit() or fn() should do it:

local attractor = inst.components.birdattractor

if not attractor then
	attractor = inst.components.birdattractor

if attractor then
	attractor.spawnmodifier:SetModifier(inst, TUNING.BIRD_SPAWN_MAXDELTA_FEATHERHAT, "MyCharacterNameMaxBirds")
	attractor.spawnmodifier:SetModifier(inst, TUNING.BIRD_SPAWN_DELAYDELTA_FEATHERHAT.MIN, "MyCharacterNameMinDelay")
	attractor.spawnmodifier:SetModifier(inst, TUNING.BIRD_SPAWN_DELAYDELTA_FEATHERHAT.MAX, "MyCharacterNameMaxDelay")
	local birdspawner = TheWorld.components.birdspawner
	if birdspawner ~= nil then


Just edited the code.

Edited by Ultroman
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