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Small Glass and Window Tile overhaul.

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At the moment there's no real reason to produce glass in the base game, diamond is just a better and more abundant resource, so I have a small fix in mind that'd help add incentive to produce it.

  • Make Diamond consume 20%~ of the light that comes through it.
  • Make Glass consume only 5%~
  • Make mesh and airflow tiles block most of the light that goes through them. since they allow 100% of all light to pass through.

This would help give window tiles some purpose as well as make glass a resource worth making, the building's only real use is for melting ice on Rime.

*This is incorrect, it's also used in construction recipes such as the monument and solar panels/

It'd also be nice if glass didn't block the telescope.

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You need glass for solar panels, that cant be build from diamond. So glass has its purpose. Further there is not so much diamond on some maps. And some people are in dire need of diamond for heat transfer purposes, and use glass for everything else.

Regarding the mesh tiles, the choice was made, because it was necessary in some ways. 

And last but not least, Klei cant just make such big changes anymore, if there is no real big reason for it. The game is released, and it woul break many folks savegames, without noticing at first. The base game is delared finished. The can add stuff, they can fix bugs, but mechanic-changes are not a good idea anymore.

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You need glass for solar panels, that cant be build from diamond. So glass has its purpose. Further there is not so much diamond on some maps. And some people are in dire need of diamond for heat transfer purposes, and use glass for everything else.

Regarding the mesh tiles, the choice was made, because it was necessary in some ways. 

And last but not least, Klei cant just make such big changes anymore, if there is no real big reason for it. The game is released, and it woul break many folks savegames, without noticing at first. The base game is delared finished. The can add stuff, they can fix bugs, but mechanic-changes are not a good idea anymore.

That's a very good point, I didn't think about that; I crossed out the incorrect statement. If such a change would be done to diamond, compromises would have to be made.

The one change that hopefully wouldn't effect anything is allowing telescopes to see through windows, it's a bit aesthetically unpleasing using mesh tiles instead.

I was curious why the mesh tiles acting that way is necessary.

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The mesh tile situation makes no sense and i`m not sure why would it be necessary when we got tools to work without them. I`ve asked for a change long before release but it was ignored. It seems to be a bug as mesh tiles block decor and artificial light but not natural light, telescopes and scanners.

I understand that changing it now is a bit too late but i still hope it will be adressed somehow as it`s unitntuitional.

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On 11/15/2019 at 3:33 AM, Squeegee said:

This would help give window tiles some purpose as well as make glass a resource worth making, the building's only real use is for melting ice on Rime.

Actually it's pretty ineffective for melting ice. Most effective way to melt ice on Rime is with hot water from a geyser.

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