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Spawning objects "randomly" without visiting the server?

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Hi all.

I'm looking to inject a Shipwrecked Island Adventures shard into an existing cluster. The overall plan is this:

  • in Forest, remove 5 cave_entrances (plugged sinkholes, weren't traversed yet) from the world and hardwire the remaining cave_entrance_opens to Caves shard the same way they are connected automatically now. (done)
  • In caves, do the appropriate wiring on the 5 cave_exits that lead to existing cave_entrance_opens in the Forest. (done)
  • In unexplored Shipwrecked map, spawn 5 plugged sinkholes randomly on the islands, and hardwire them with the other 5 cave_exits in the caves. (???)

Is there a way to pick a "random place in the world for a cave_entrance" ? ie. x-shaped 4x4 pattern, somewhere on land (ie. tile with a turf from a set of "land" turfs).

On a somewhat related note - anyone encountered an issue where c_migrateto("1") puts you next to a particular cave_entrance, rather than multiplayer_portal_moonrock?

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7 hours ago, Satop said:

Why not do it manually?

Kinda spoils the excitement of exploration, when I've already been to the world and have parts of the map pre-revealed.

My buddy and I looked at the telestaff and if that's anything to go by, the game doesn't really have a better strategy than "keep picking random numbers until the position you pick is suitable".

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So, this should work "OK":


-- readable version:
local map = TheWorld.Map
local max = 1000
local count = 5
for i = 1, count do
    x = math.random(-max, max)
    z = math.random(-max, max)
    local curr = map:GetTile(map:GetTileCoordsAtPoint(x, 0, z))
  until curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_COASTAL and
    curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_SWELL and
    curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_ROUGH and
    curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_REEF and
    not (curr >= 50 and curr <= 55 ) and
    curr ~= 255 and
    curr ~= 1
  print("Picked a position: "..x.."; "..z)
  local plug = SpawnPrefab("cave_entrance")
  plug.Transform:SetPosition(x, 0, z)

-- paste-able version:
local map = TheWorld.Map local max = 1000 local count = 5 for i = 1,count do repeat x = math.random(-max, max) z = math.random(-max, max) local curr = map:GetTile(map:GetTileCoordsAtPoint(x, 0, z)) until curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_COASTAL and curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_COASTAL_SHORE and curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_SWELL and curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_ROUGH and curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_REEF and curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_REEF_SHORE and curr ~= GROUND.OCEAN_HAZARDOUS and not (curr >= 50 and curr <= 55 ) and curr ~= 255 and curr ~= 1 print("Picked a position: "..x.."; "..z) ThePlayer.Transform:SetPosition(x, 0, z) end


It "mostly" works, but isn't perfect.

  • Given the amount of shoreline in a world that's split up into a ton of islands, chances are pretty high at least some plugs will end up very close to land-sea boundary. Object with collision physics + land-sea border = not good.
  • Not taking into account other objects. It sometimes happens that a pickable/harvestable object become inaccessible because of the sinkhole.
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