So Apparently Hostile/Evoke decks are godlike in Experimental

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Decided I'd try something different for this run so I tried out an Evoke deck. Since 2/3 of the Evoke cards in the game are Hostile, I went for a mostly Hostile deck. So then we're here. On the first turn, (The first 10 damage was dealt by Nadan before my turn started) I did 47 damage. Every time I start a negotiation, I basically have a fully loaded cannon in my deck. Just build up a little dominance and then finish my turn evoking my Erupts, doing upwards of 30 free damage. Maybe new negotiation meta is Evoke in Experimental or did I just get ridiculously lucky? Then again, I've only unlocked P3 in this build so I don't know it's effectiveness in P7.

Here's the deck in it's entirety:


Oh, and bonus: 


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Ye when I started I thought that too. Took me three games after I unlocked them to give them a shot, and I found out how stupid strong they actually are. On a side note, you dont need to upgrade every single erupt to Pale. Every evoked erupt procs off each other, so you only really need one and the rest be boosted for even more stupid good damage.

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I didn't really bother doing the math, mostly this turn I got super lucky with Caprice turning into Bulldoze, drawing Bolstered, 0 cost cards, and second winds. guess what I meant is it's easy to to do 30 damage in the first turn since I have several high damage cards and several ways to combo cards into each other. If I were to get lucky enough first turn, I could play Obtuse, Lucid Threaten, and Bolster all in a row to rack up 4 dominance, causing 21 free damage + 5-8 card damage + any damage from 0 cost cards like Pale Impression and Veiled Anger.

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