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Warly really needs sanity recipes he can make in field

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Didn't the developers mention that Warly is a challenge character on his own on a stream or something? I only ever use Warly if I have a reliable team that is aware of my character's sustainability conditions. That way for big boss fights, I don't really have to worry about health, as I just make sure I am a safe distance away in between attack patterns so that the boss targets a teammate of mine. A good team will always want to protect Warly as he makes their lives easier while making his own more difficult.

As for the sanity thing, that's just an obstacle to overcome. Warly has taught me to NEVER overlook the less "meta" recipes. Taffy, pumpkin cookies, melonsicle, banana pop, potato puree, salsa, spiralled tubers are all very good sanity recipes, on top of the many non-food related ways of maintaining sanity 

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I love playing Warly because now I have a good excuse to cook every dish that I can think of, even if they're not that "good". It's basicly the Eat Your Veggies mod as a character and it's great since now I don't have to make my friends go extreme with me, just because I want cooking to be more complicated. It's really boring to always make meatballs and thinking of all those cool recipes we have but nobody uses makes me little sad.

Imo foods that heal or give sanity are valuable and it makes no sense if they're too easy to make. There needs to be some effort to get them. Besides, who would bother making pumpkin cookies or taffy if plain old ratatouille gave 15 sanity? And what's the point of having all those different kinds of seeds and other food items if the most easiest recipes you can make are also the best recipes? We don't need more items with no use...

Warly is at his best in camp bossing around and telling others which resources are needed and making sure folk is well fed and healthy. If you really wish to spontaneously explore as Warly, bring a friend with you to help with collecting food and pretty much everything else too. In my experiencce Warly must prepare for EVERYTHING in advance or depend on others really much. Playing solo and unprepared is what makes him a challenge character, but with a good team and decent planning Warly is really easy to play.

There are different ways to get hp, light and sanity so you can switch between them in varying situations. Don't get too fixed on in just a one way to obtain sanity or getting light etc.


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