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Request: Conversion change of table salt

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I would like to have a mod, that changes the conversion from (100kg salt  to 5g t-salt) to a more reasonable value, like 1 kilo to 5g.

I´m sure Klei will overhaul this matter, but i´d like to use this feature right now, without loosing 99,95% salt.

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Table salt should be more or less, more of the total amount of salt. Because salt isn't purely table salt. There's mineral salts in there too. However, why not there be a mineral bath for dupes, which is as wide as the toilet is tall and as tall as the toilet is wide. It'll make dupes believe that they're in better health! Plus. dupes should remove both exosuits and any sweaters, vests, or suits before showering or soaking. Plus, dupes do need a new woven pair of pants. Their printday suit may just be a fancy fleece coat, and they could use some new pants.

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