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Nettles don't grow when using applied horticulture


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I want to play as Wickerbottom with the hope that I could use her applied horticulture to instantly grow nettles during humid season. A few weeks ago I tried it and succeeded, all the nettle vines bloomed instantly when using applied horticulture in the rain. I created a new game yesterday and tried to do it again but the nettles just did not grow at all no matter how many times I cast the spell. I know a new patch has been released recently so it might have changed it. I'm just wondering  whether it is an  intended fix or a bug from the new patch. I mean it is a bit op as no sprinker, no waiting is required to grow nettles using this method ,while nettles farming(especially for the first lush season) is a real pain for most other characters. But  without this perk I don't think there is any reason for me to play as Wickerbottom as resources are readily available in all seasons in Hamlet .

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I did use the book when it was raining .Another time in the fog. It neither worked in the rain or the fog. I am pretty certain the nettles vines  are well-hydrated as I could see them growing into the next growth phase. Oh I forgot to mention there was one time only half of the nettle vines I planted bloom while the other half did not. Since i planted them right beneath a bunch of hanging jungle vines ,it leads me into thinking that maybe the those hanging vines were blocking the rainfall?But it does not make sense coz they were hydrated apparently.

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5 hours ago, MWY said:

Basically you need the Nettle plants in a "Wet" state which can be seen when you hover your pointer above them as it will say "Wet Nettle Plant" 

when they are in said state then they will bloom, both with Book and on their own.


5 hours ago, Misa22 said:

Exactly, you need a sprinkler (or rain, as you said). 


20 hours ago, trinket_4 said:

the nettles need to be wet for it to grow,

maybe the reason the book didnt work was because they were dry

I did use the book when it was raining .Another time in the fog. It neither worked in the rain or the fog. I am pretty certain the nettles vines  are well-hydrated as I could see them growing into the next growth phase. Oh I forgot to mention there was one time only half of the nettle vines I planted bloom while the other half did not. Since i planted them right beneath a bunch of hanging jungle vines ,it leads me into thinking that maybe the those hanging vines were blocking the rainfall?But it does not make sense coz they were hydrated apparently.

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