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Are you able to generate a large map?


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Despite having a moderate good machine I am unable to generate a large Hamlet map, even with settings like lesser resources and mobs. I remember I was able to do that in EA (but I ditched it). But now I stuck for about 10-15 minutes before giving up and force closing the window. Even a big map in SW wasn't a problem...

So are you able to get a large Hamlet map?

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Just wait, it'll eventually generate.  

On my machine (Core i7-6700K, 16GB RAM) I have to wait about 15-20 minutes before it generates. So pour yourself a beverage of choice, minimize the game (you'll hear when the generation finishes) and wait.

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If it's really really really taking too long for you to generate, consider checking your log.txt files in the Klei/DoNotStarve folder while the game generates in the background. The log.txt gets filled up every second and opening and closing it a few times will give insight on what's going on behind the scenes while the game generates.

If you have mods that after world generation, maybe it's stuck in a loop for some reason. Checking your log.txt file during generation may be the best way to determine any issues of the sort.

Also compare world generation for normal vs large world's log.txt files. Worth a check if you're really having issues with generation.

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the Hamlet's islands are specially forced to keep in a special sorting system ( Trufflestone island , Malfafa, Pugalisk, Roc's and Aporkalypse )

which then need to be in a sort of a curve and setting the worldgen makes it more difficult to actually space out the islands so they don't cross ( even on default worlds the islands are close to crossing each other )

and worldgen scraps every incorrect world not matching the criteria ( sort,curve,space ) and starts a-new

( and yes, worldgen can detect whether something is connected or not, that's how the wormholes in hamlet are created. )

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I keep all my special games in my NVME Drive.

Loading or making worlds in DS/SW/HAM takes about less then 1 to 2 minutes at most.

(if you want to know what is NVME, its an advanced version of an Hard disk, Its super fast compared to Regular HDD so maybe that is causing all the time delay in generating your world)

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3 hours ago, MWY said:

I keep all my special games in my NVME Drive.

Loading or making worlds in DS/SW/HAM takes about less then 1 to 2 minutes at most.

(if you want to know what is NVME, its an advanced version of an Hard disk, Its super fast compared to Regular HDD so maybe that is causing all the time delay in generating your world)

Ok I thought my Seagate HDD 1TB would be enough to handle this job. But I didn't want invest yet. I was giving up too early and try it again without mods and check what @Zillvr suggested. Thank you everyone! I thought I stuck on this problem alone. Maybe it's also a performance problem with the world gen I wonder?:confused:

Edit: It worked now:o much faster than expected - about 3min. It seems the prefabs of Minimap Hud or Geometric Placement somehow slowed the world gen. Anyway, thanks again. However, I do not know what the log actually want to me when I find this haha Please spawn a palace ok?


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