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Rework LIght and Light Sources

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So awhile ago I made a post about some ideas for future updates one of which included lighting. I've been waiting for a while to talk about it again partially because I saw some other people talking about it and didn't want to restate it again but also because I wanted to see what would be in QOL3 before I mentioned it again.
Part of the reason I am mentioning it again is because with this being the last update before the release update I am somewhat worried that there is still so much that I feel could or should be added to this game before moving on to dlc ideas. I know that modding support is coming in but I'm not sure I have to time to learn to mod this game and then the time it would take to create the mod and debug it. Also while I know there are some experienced modders out there I'm not sure what the capabilities would be of these mods.
Right now I tried using a darkness mod which sounded like what I would want but honestly only scratched the surface. energy.jpg I know this is an older picture on the klei website but I honestly really like the way it looks and I kinda wonder why they moved away from that.

Here's my basic idea

  • The majority of the asteroid would be dark, not dark enough that you as the player couldn't see or make out what materials were but darker then what it is now significantly and light would illuminate rather then just say the area is lit up
  • Duplicants would get a bonus from being in well lit areas, This could be a morale boost of a +1 or even a small stat boost as being able to clearly see what they are working on or where they are going would have an impact.
  • A new negative trait could be added for duplicant creation like "scared of the dark" or "Nyctophobia", the duplicant would receive a -1 to morale or a small stress debuff if they are in dark areas and that duplicant would want to sleep with a light nearby, on the opposite end of the spectrum most dupes would want their sleeping quarters to be dark
  • Give a new higher tier light source made of better materials that maybe takes refined metal, plastic, or glass or any combination of the three that maybe requires less power, creates less heat, and maybe even lights a larger area
  • This would give more incentive for players to light their bases which should be a basic necessity of a space colony in the center of an asteroid
  • Have the mining helmet give light so that duplicants going outside the base to mine new areas would get the well lit buff
  • Maybe being in the dark for too long causes a duplicant to get a little depressed and gives them a stress debuff
    I know I am not the first to talk about this and probably wont be the last. I really think this is a change that would take little effort but definitely make the game more fun and interesting to play especially in the long term.
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