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New skills and Dupes lacking ability

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So far, I'm really enjoying the new skill system.  However, there's one small thing that is a problem -- there is no indicator to alert you when a dupe can't perform a specific skill.


For example, lets take Abe.  Abe's a great Dupe, but he absolutely refuses to build things.  Its not in his DNA.  Literally.  but he LOVES machines.  So, around cycle 35 or so I unlocked mechatronics, figuring I'd be able to build some solid transport systems.  Nope.. 



Nothing says he can't build, and by cycle 35 I had forgotten about his trait..



So, it would be very appreciated if there was an indicator on the skill window that notified you when a dupe was unable to actually perform a task, such as building or digging or cooking or whatever.  Certainly, there are times where I'll take a skill for the stats, but  it would be nice to be reminded on the skill selection window when there's a potential problem.

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22 hours ago, Sasza22 said:

I think jobs like mechatronics engineer should require the ability to perform construction jobs to be skilled.

Seems more balanced the way you said, i would like to know what the hearts mean now, they just skill faster? i would REALLY like if they had no penalty on moral by doing what they love or -1 moral cost on the liked stuff and even add disliked stuff for counter balance for example.


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In Q3-322093 I see this, thumbs down on things which they can't do!


I guess it may not apply to unconstructive and Mecha-Electronics Engineer though ) I feel like that one should be under build instead of Operate though.


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