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Some sort of trash can.

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Hamlet gives player a lot of items that don't have many uses (hipopotamoose antler, platapine spikes, weevole carpace) and they often litter the map.

Allow us to build trash cans with key to the city, or add something like lureplant.

Or give these items better uses

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1 hour ago, ucw said:

I suggest building chests to store these items for future use.  

Well here's the thing: they don't have a use.

Platapine's spikes and Hipopotamoose's antler are only used in bird whistle which also becomes useless (as well as BFB herself) after you get Ro Bin and Royal Scepter.

Weevole carpace is used only for that weak armor that I don't need or hardshell tacos which I guess are nice but there's only so much hunger you can fill.

We need a trash can or a trash can creature.

Or they need more uses (good ones).

I've suggested a new weapon using platapine's spikes.

Maybe we could craft some sort of scarecrow but for snaptooths using all 3 items listed above. 

Y'know like they'd try to avoid it which would let you kinda control where they go. This would help in cases where seedling goes after dung beetles and ends up on the other side of the map, somehow turns into adult flytrap and now you have a new colony of snaptooths powered by dung piles.

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How does the bird whistle become useless with royal scepter?  I've given royal scepters to the queen in return for keys to the three items in the castle.  

I like the idea of crafting a weapon with the quills, and the scarecrow idea.  Personally, I love making cruncy tacos because you get a ton of benefit from something that really only requires one or two actual food items.  

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1 hour ago, ucw said:

How does the bird whistle become useless with royal scepter?

Well after getting Ro Bin and scepter you don't really need to be taken back to BFB's nest, do you?

And BFB herself isn't that useful either as trying to chop trees with her can: 

Kill you

Destroy your base if it's too close 

Take you to the nest

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45 minutes ago, Szczuku said:

Well after getting Ro Bin and scepter you don't really need to be taken back to BFB's nest, do you?


I guess not, but I really enjoyed seeing somebody's "bird sanctuary" that they built on Roc's Island.  

If you have a lucky world gen, then you have lots of light bulbs in the caves between Roc's Island and (usually) the first island.  I had a world gen in which I left Roc's Island, went through the caves and came out on a different island than the first -- had the fountain of youth and Pugalisk.  

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20 hours ago, Szczuku said:

Platapine's spikes and Hipopotamoose's antler are only used in bird whistle which also becomes useless (as well as BFB herself) after you get Ro Bin and Royal Scepter.

If you aren't using the Roc as a taxi, then you're really missing out. I always base right next to the cave cleft that connects to the Roc's nest, so I can toot on the bird whistle once and get taken home from anywhere in the world.

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On 27/01/2019 at 9:17 PM, Field Field said:

If you aren't using the Roc as a taxi, then you're really missing out. I always base right next to the cave cleft that connects to the Roc's nest, so I can toot on the bird whistle once and get taken home from anywhere in the world.

I am already planning to make an entire town on the ROC Island, and I also agree with @Szczuku on having more uses for said items then just being one recipe (bee stingers and spider webs anyone?) 

The game is in Early Access so we will hopefully get more stuff to build with those items.

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