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New entity for the Antlion desert biome!

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So, I really like the new biome added in this update, I just like deserts in general & the sandstorm thing I really thought was cool :D! So, I thought to myself what would make this neat biome even neater (other then making the turf more sand like)...a new unique entity!

So, I thought hard & this is what I came up with...








So, clearly these entities are based off of camels & my art is not very good & I don't know how to shade at all, but i'm sure Klei could do a better job if they added this or something similar :D!

So, how do these entities work & where do you find them? 

So, when a new world is generated a very small herd 2-4 Calmels will spawn in the Antlion's desert & wander around it eating cactus, & when summer starts & the sandstorms begin they will head for the oasis & stay there drinking water & eating succulent plants till summer ends. Though, they can travel through sandstorms & when they travel through sandstorms imagine those petals around their eyes closing like to protect their eyes, pretty neat huh :D?

So, what do this entities give?

Well Calmels grow very nice flowers on their hump with strong cooling properties which players can use to make medicines or something :), but if you harvest their flowers they become Camads because those flowers are what keeps them cool in the great heat of the desert! While they're Camads they will attack everything that isn't a Calmel or Camad on sight & be highly aggressive! But don't worry Camads will eventually grow back their flowers after eating & sleeping enough, reverting back to Calmels.  Also, they're made out of meat, so I guess you can eat them too...

Calmels can also be ridden by players! So, while a player is riding them they get a little dapperness because of the soothing scent of the flowers growing on their back! Calmels move slower than players because they're always walking, but if a player rides them & moves in 1 direction for 10 seconds the Calmel will start sprinting, moving a little faster than Beefalo move! Also, Calmels won't be slowed by sandstorms so, they're excellent for moving through deserts quickly! Another great thing about Calmels is you'd be able to craft a Calmel Pouch & put it on them, allowing players to put items in them! Calmels need to eat actual plants like grass, cactus or succulent or they will starve to death, unlike Beefalo! If a Calmel is hungry then they will not carry players on their back & when a player mounts them they will just sit on the ground till you get off or feed them.


So, that's all I have :)! So, you're probably asking why a camel, their are so many other choices for desert entities!

Well, the reason I chose a camel is because

  1. I think they're kinda adorable
  2. I'm a sucker for rideable animals & thinking of something like players becoming traveling merchants in DST would make the game feel so cool, like just imagine there's this 1 guy on the server going around base to base selling stuff to other players riding on his Calmel, so cool :D!
  3. I think a camel entity would just fit in ANR update, since it's like Charlie's Reign & maybe she brought/made this creature because it's kinda nice with its flowers & stuff!
  4. I like the new Antlion desert & I don't want it to just be some boring place nobody wants to go to..if their where some very useful neat entities their then it would make people not just think of it as a place where you just go pay tributes to the Antlion.
  5. Camels are the most genuine creature of the desert you can get in the entire universe, & I really think it'd be great for a new entity that feels very special, like Beefalo :)!

Well, that's it for real now..have a great day/night, peace :D!

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