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Help with a custom character armor settings

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I am making a custom character who would be persuaded to use grass armor by having other armors slow her down (just like marble armor). 

In the Marble Armor's prefab file I found this like of code 

inst.components.equippable.walkspeedmult = TUNING.ARMORMARBLE_SLOW

so is there a way I could make every armor except for grass armor slow her down just like marble armor would? thanks!

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AddPrefabPostInt("armorwood", function(inst)
    inst.components.equippable.walkspeedmult = TUNING.ARMORMARBLE_SLOW

Replace "armorwood" with others to apply to other armor types (including hat and held). You can find the code-name for every item in data/strings.lua

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On 9/9/2016 at 2:07 AM, Mobbstar said:

AddPrefabPostInt("armorwood", function(inst)
    inst.components.equippable.walkspeedmult = TUNING.ARMORMARBLE_SLOW

Replace "armorwood" with others to apply to other armor types (including hat and held). You can find the code-name for every item in data/strings.lua

thank you! would I put this in modmain.lua or in the scripts/prefabs file for the character?

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On 9/8/2016 at 10:07 PM, Mobbstar said:

AddPrefabPostInt("armorwood", function(inst)
    inst.components.equippable.walkspeedmult = TUNING.ARMORMARBLE_SLOW

Replace "armorwood" with others to apply to other armor types (including hat and held). You can find the code-name for every item in data/strings.lua

Wouldn't it be AddPrefabPostInit

And wouldn't this apply to everyone, and not just their character?

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