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Ok back to needing more help. The Creation of NPCs..

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Ok. I have finally got my stuff to work after a several month long hiatus. On to what I need to know and where to possibly find it if you are willing to help.
I am making a wilson bot that will eventually become an interact-able npc. One that will act and work with you. It's like having actual friends but not really. The actual ai I have planned is a bit far in the future for how complicated I want to make it.

What I have so far: I have a wilson that stands around doing nothing and has a third arm holding an invisible tool.

What I plan on: An AI that will walk around randomly and do tasks based off what he sees.

What I need help with: First is sight range. I have no way of measuring units on the screen and I don't know how much "sight" to give wilson so it seems realistic. What is the range of sight that is given to a player?

High hopes for my first don't starve mod yes but taking it a step at a time will eventually get me to my goal.


BTW sorry if this is confusing but I am still at the beginning and there's not much to ask for but I still need help for each step along the way. I made this a general ask because, I will be coming back here to ask more questions about this topic. I did a previous ask article but it was archived due to my long hiatus. I fixed my previous problem of stategraph basics now I am here. Join me along the ride as I make a mod that somehow has over 300 steam subscribers despite me blatantly saying it doesn't work. Also if you haven't already noticed I am a noob coder. Gotta start somewhere right?

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I have just been working on a similar mod.

I found that reading the code for the monkeys and perds was really helpful.

There you can see that a perd has a "sight range" of 40 for bushes, and 20 for food.

According to this post each tile is 4 units square.

Hope that helps!

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