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Give one value to all prefabs

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I want for all my selected prefabs in the line:

     inst.components.workable: SetWorkLeft ("number")

Replace "number" with "number * TUNING.MY_FIRMNESS"
Can you help me with this?

Thank you for your attention.

Edited by Tezumoto
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Using addprefabpostinit we can make a function to add this feature to all your prefabs

local workableprefabs = {"spoiled_food","spoiled_fish", "mosquitosack", "silk", "spidergland", "poop", "stinger", "cutgrass", "twigs", "guano"} --prefab examples, change to your own.
for k,v in pairs(workableprefabs) do AddPrefabPostInit(v, function(inst) 
	if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		--if not inst.components.workable then inst:AddComponent("workable") end --not really needed if your prefabs have the workable component already.
		if inst.components.workable then inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft ("number") end
end) end


Edited by IronHunter
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41 minutes ago, IronHunter said:

Using addprefabpostinit we can make a function to add this feature to all your prefabs

local workableprefabs = {"spoiled_food","spoiled_fish", "mosquitosack", "silk", "spidergland", "poop", "stinger", "cutgrass", "twigs", "guano"} --prefab examples, change to your own.
for k,v in pairs(workableprefabs) do AddPrefabPostInit(v, function(inst) 
	if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		if not inst.components.disappears then inst:AddComponent("workable") end
		if inst.components.workable then inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft ("number") end
end) end


This function change the SetWorkLeft for all prefabs by the number that I specify?
Can not change this number from prefabs, but simply multiply by 3?

I use this code:

local workableprefabs = {
} --prefab examples, change to your own.
for k,v in pairs(workableprefabs) do AddPrefabPostInit(v, function(inst) 
	if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		if not inst.components.disappears then inst:AddComponent("workable") end
		if inst.components.workable then inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(20) end

But these things just stopped to react to the hammer and the others. (become indestructible)

Edited by Tezumoto
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44 minutes ago, Tezumoto said:

This function change the SetWorkLeft for all prefabs by the number that I specify?
Can not change this number from prefabs, but simply multiply by 3?

I use this code:

local workableprefabs = {"pigtorch","ancient_altar_broken"}
for k,v in pairs(workableprefabs) do AddPrefabPostInit(v, function(inst) 
	if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		if not inst.components.disappears then inst:AddComponent("workable") end
		if inst.components.workable then inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(20) end

But these things just stopped to react to the hammer and the others. (become indestructible)

I made a typo when copy/pasting my similar code, instead of disappears it should be workable, as for why they are indestructable

local workableprefabs = {"pigtorch","ancient_altar_broken"}
for k,v in pairs(workableprefabs) do AddPrefabPostInit(v, function(inst) 
	if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		if inst.components.workable then inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(2) end

I just tested this it works fine for me, object updated properly and hammers correctly

Edited by IronHunter
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28 minutes ago, IronHunter said:

I made a typo when copy/pasting my similar code, instead of disappears it should be workable, as for why they are indestructable

I just tested this it works fine for me, object updated properly and hammers correctly

I can, don't change the default value, but just multiply it by a certain value?

if inst.components.workable then inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(*2) end


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1 minute ago, Tezumoto said:

I can, don't change the default value, but just multiply it by a certain value?

if inst.components.workable then inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(*2) end


A strange request but I guess you could do

inst.components.workable.workleft = inst.components.workable.workleft * 2

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6 hours ago, IronHunter said:

A strange request but I guess you could do

inst.components.workable.workleft = inst.components.workable.workleft * 2

Thank you, you helped me a lot.
But still I have some problems.
I need to create two separate functions to forbid: 1) "repairable" and 2) "workable" for prefabs.

Edited by Tezumoto
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