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Sleeping interrupted is stuck

  • Known Issue

Duplicant has the "sleeping interrupted" and gains stress, but after sleeping it doesn't disappear. Save, quit and load fixes this.

Also, they seem to interrupt sleep for just about anything, and then stuck with this for the entire day. We have no control over it.

Steps to Reproduce
Wait for duplicant to wake up for toilet or something. Duplicant goes back to sleep, but still keeps the "sleep interrupted" status and gains stress

User Feedback

There is a thread about Interrupted Sleep in the forums here:

The gist is that it seems to be caused by hunger. Because dupes eat almost exactly a day's worth of food at a time, if their sleep is interrupted by hunger one night, it is likely to be interrupted again the next night, for many cycles in a row. This seriously unbalances the stress mechanic in the game and can cause colonies to spiral out of control quickly.

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In my case it was to use the toilets, and yeah, same, exactly once a day, at the same time, just before end of night...

But what I'm describing here is different - even without being interrupted, when sleeping, it still kept the sleeping interrupted status.

Edited by Himulaya

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Just having your hunger and toilet needs reach a point counts as interrupted sleep. They don't actually need to get up.
It's not a bug.
Perhaps it would be better if they tweaked it, though.

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Same problem here. Their sleep is interrupted, I don't know why, and the stat never seems to go away.

This thread and the one linked by habdomeraider seem to explain it.



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