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  2. I actually had one guy wanting to voidwalk on a pub once, but I insisted not to, we then separated ourselves to find the atrium tentacle and found it in 1 day, he told us where it was and we killed fuelweaver with 8 people. But their main plan was to void walk. And this was also on the same server No cheese, and no one complained, they just played. (Just sharing, not arguing btw).
  3. Yeah fair enough. Ill take any big dlc that gives us a completely new map
  4. Haha, same. Maxwell was my first main too when I'd just gotten into DST back in... 2017. I've gone from a child to an adult since I started, but Maxwell's still a geezer :P
  5. how are barnacle dishes hot garbage? barnacle linguine & pita have pretty good stats for very cheap, and like, even if you for some reason avoid the ocean as much as possible, a stretch of seaweeds usually spawns very close to pearl due to her being in the deep ocean - it doesn't really take much effort at all to amass lots of barnacles and from there you have several dishes that serve for every stat (barnacle linguine restores 20 whole as s sanity) like you could argue they're less versatile than X or Y meta dish but even if they were somehow objectively worse (which is something i disagree with because they're not going to be the best in absolutely every gameplay scenario) i would still disagree with the notion that they're totally worthless
  6. I agree with the money part and all of that. I just don't think literally porting hamlet into DST would be a great idea really. Maybe a different dlc similar to it would be cool, but it doesn't make sense to see people playing paid content on Browse Games and not being able to join unless you pay for it. There is still a world where they could make a humongus amount of content and charge for it, but current dst is kinda not the place I feel.
  7. Yeah it is a very specific case but it can happen. And its more a logic arguement against the ridiculous statement that cheese doesnt affect other players when it does. At the very least if a new player watches you voidwalk on a public server then congratz you have just taught them how to do it and skip on actual gameplay content like navigating the atrium sanity pillars which is a mini-tutorial on how to quickly raise and lower sanity before fighting ancient fuelweaver who also requires the same quick raise/lower sanity mechanic. All the indirect problems caused by exploits that no one thinks about.... Omg i think im slowly becoming a game developer... atleast on a conceptual design level
  8. I think separating communities is actually a bonus from klei's point of view. Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. There would be mad videos of all the streamers/youtubers playing the new DST dlc that peer pressure would probably make regular DST players buy it so they dont miss out. DST is a very stable franchise for Klei and my limited opinion on the matter is that if Klei devoted extra resources and staff sololy dedicated in producing a hamlet dlc for DST alongside the current regular free update staff. They will make alot more money over producing new IPs. Klei have been very nice with free daily skins and the ability to unlock dlc characters for free if you have the time to gather spools. They have built good relations with the community, i think they have earned the right to charge more money for DST related content without us getting annoyed... as long as its a full expansion worth of content.
  9. I’m not sure how many of you have ever played left 4 dead or left 4 Dead 2 but… the second game completely invalidated the first game when it eventually got all the content from the first game (maps modes & playable survivors) Plus what was already in the New game. I don’t think Klei trying to cling on to sales of the single player game exclusively for its DLC expansions is a good business move if I’m being honest.. Something important I should mention is that single player don’t starve originally released as just Don’t Starve, and for people playing on PC and PlayStation they had to pay extra for the Reign of Giants DLC. However when DS came to Xbox Reign of Giants was included as part of the core gameplay experience right out the box While Shipwrecked & Hamlet were paid DLCs. When the game finally came to Nintendo consoles, It came with RoG and Shipwrecked bundled in as a core part of the game. So Hamlet is the only dlc yet to get the “Included with purchase” treatment… But if I was a gambling man (& I’m not but if I was…) When Klei ever decides to remaster the game for next generation consoles (PS5, Xbox X/S, Nintendo Switch 2) I would be willing to bet money that it’ll include Hamlet in the purchase. That only leaves DST to be the odd ball of the group of Dont Starve DLCs that probably won’t get this Treatment. Oh wait.. did you guys completely forget that DST is advertised and sold as a standalone expansion pack to DS? Yeah me too… Ahem anyway, I think I’ve expressed throughly over the years that Shipwrecked and Hamlet compatibility need to happen. But honestly? I wish this “Stand Alone” DLC expansion (DST) was compatible with the rest of the game it’s meant to be an expansion pack for. Sue me… I want to play as Wurt in Hamlet or Walani in DST.
  10. Today
  11. I never liked the idea of slowing myself because others can't race with me. But what you said is not true for all cases, it is very specific, and most of the time my experience is actually different. I commonly rush cc on pubs all the time, and people simply praise me/like the fact that I share my loot with them. I also invite everyone to participate on all boss fights. The real problem is the rusher doing everything alone and without communicating or sharing anything.
  12. Yeah I probably would also, but that would separate communities in a weird way. I feel like too many problems would show up to be actually worth doing it. I think that adding new and more creative things to regular DS/T is a better idea. Making DS/T unique is the way to go imo.
  13. 100% true but people like yourself who have spent time gaining the skill have a right to glory and bragging! But having cheeses/exploits means the average less skilled player can pull it off solo too. Which is not ideal when the aim of the game is togetherness.
  14. what you just described is literally still the same even if you don't use cheese
  15. Klei needs to take into consideration if they added hamlet as a dlc to DST i would pay 30 quid for it. Alot of people would!
  16. We have to take in consideration something before commenting, "If DS/T had everything the dlcs have, no one would buy the dlcs or the solo game itself". Another thing to take in consideration is that all DS/T updates are free. Klei only hopes we buy the skins and their other games content to support them, and I respect that. I'm gonna repeat some suggestions I gave on a previous post + some things that are not in original don't starve, but just ideas: Earthquakes first phase (small shake) be randomized. Thermal stones having 5 more uses (from temperature change). Or a recipe change. More Nightmare Creatures sounds and insanity interactions. A change to the ruins map to fit more original don't starve. Birds chirping again. Tumbleweed wind graphics from original DS (I really have no idea why that's not a thing in DS/T). Old map opening sound. Hamlet houses and caves camera style mechanic being added to more places in the next updates (similar to boats, the theater and charlie interaction). Bring back quotes from when we enter dusk and when earthquakes are happening. Regular turf around sinkholes (again, I also have no idea why this is not in the game). Now I also got a compilation of old ideas that would be great to post here as an opportunity so here they are: Add some title sound tracks from updates (or new sound tracks) to specific areas or fights in the game (archives and underground lunar fungal biome). More development to Lunar Hail. Mutated goose/Malbatross. Global sounds for spawning of bosses. For example, when dragonfly spawns a faint global sound is made (similar to fireworks). Now that we have global visuals and sounds for rifts, it wouldn't be so bad, and it would GREATLY impact the game experience. Luck. eg.Trinkets that help you drop more loot when in inventory. Making the fragments particles from lunar hail stay on the ground for longer (similar to how the world gets wet and turf changes). A way to light the ocean! (if you know any please let me know) Throwing fireworks can cancel hound attacks or minimize the amount of hounds that would show up. Add a rabbit animation for entering holes. Add the scrapbook to the main menu. More pickup sounds. Digamajig could be placed on top of ponds in winter to create holes to fish salmon. Pets influence the game. Flooded caves biome or calm waters biome. Warly skill tree idea. Dried kelp powder/msg that can be added to dishes for a special sanity resistance. Dried tomatoes and other veggies that can be used for special recipes. Also add new recipes with dried meat. Strogonoff recipe with milk and meat. Ocean fish having special recipes that helps in very specific situations. Or anything that makes capturing those fishes worthwhile. More early-game and mid-game LUNAR CREATURES to make shadow side affinity more worth it. Moon worshipers and Shadow worshipers. Someone here once talked about an ocean insanity visions of boats sailing and dead pirates. Things like that for lunacy would also be cool.
  17. I just made a mod fixing some bugs I've reported since Klei isn't going to fix it. Anyways here's the link: Steam GitHub A list of chances I've made:
  18. yes, finact i'd be fine with ANY food that gives coffees effect, the more accessible EG the better.
  19. Coffee, Elephant Cactus, Ships, Dripple Pipes, Hamlet Pig Houses and everything hahaha
  20. Most plants also need cool water to keep their temperature below 30C.
  21. Ah i do love it when you have a group of people but instead of everyone working together as a team, one person rushes off an cheeses a boss without inviting anyone to join in.... #great times #Don't Starve T̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ #almost 3hour cooldown if you want to fight the boss again #it 100% affects people #silliest forum argument ever....
  22. Literally everything from hamlet. Be unreal if they allowed us to choose to create a hamlet DST world instead of RoG world Shipwrecked is awesome too but i feel pancake boats are better for multiplayer and current DST ocean does have alot of potential... we will see after ocean QoL update.
  23. Swordfish + Cutlass Supreme. someone had the idea that they could dash across boats, doing damage to any entity in the way. the cutlass supreme could also count as a dead fish like in the Mod Island Adventures, draining Wurts sanity (which tbh wouldn't matter much, you just have to know that it exists and not hold onto it too much. infect it would help Wurt go insane)
  24. Dude but how hard it is to simply say "sure" and change your tone so that this enviroment can become more friendly and enjoyable? If that means the forums will become a better place then so be it, I'm honestly very tired of posting something and getting 5 pages in 1 day because I said a controversial opinion. It's very tiring to back down from a heated discussion because people want drama. I myself think that creating drama is something we humans do naturally and it's hard to NOT do it actually, so let's be smart and police ourselves before the administrators of the forums have to constantly warn us. Basically let's be civilized before we get censored for crossing the barrier. It's not that hard. Oh I just read this my bad. Good thing!
  25. What is something from Hamlet/Shipwrecked that you would want to see added to dst? Please be polite and don’t shame someone for having a different opinion than you.
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