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Hamlet Addition

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I feel like Hamlet is lacking especially in 3 departments & would to see few more additions. That is food recipes, crafting & unique natural structures.


Food Recipies



  1. Lobster Bisque
  2. Jelly-O Pop
  3. Fresh Fruit Crepes
  4. Caviar
  5. California Roll
  6. Banana Pop
  7. Bisque
  8. Coffee
  9. Ceviche
  10. Monster Tartare
  11. Mussel Bouillabaise
  12. Lobster Dinner
  13. Sweet Potato Souffle
  14. Surf & Turf
  15. Seafood Gumbo
  16. Shark Fin Soup
  17. Tropical Bouillabaisse


  1. Tea
  2. Iced Tea
  3. Asparagus Soup
  4. Spicy Veg Stinger
  5. Nettle Rolls
  6. Snake Bone Soup
  7. Hard Shell Tacos
  8. Steamed Ham Sandwich
  9. Feijoada
  10. Gummy Cake







  1. chiminea
  2. tarlamp
  3. coldfire
  4. coldfirepit
  5. obsidianfirepit
  6. bottlelantern
  7. boat_torch
  8. boat_lantern
  9. sea_chiminea
  10. waterchest
  11. wall_limestone_item
  12. wall_enforcedlimestone_item
  13. wildborehouse
  14. ballphinhouse
  15. primeapebarrel
  16. dragoonden
  17. turf_road
  18. turf_snakeskinfloor
  19. sandbagsmall_item
  20. sand_castle
  21. mussel_stick
  22. beebox
  23. fish_farm
  24. mussel_bed
  25. monkeyball
  26. palmleaf_umbrella
  27. antivenom
  28. heatrock
  29. thatchpack
  30. palmleaf_hut
  31. tropicalfan
  32. seasack
  33. doydoynest
  34. researchlab5
  35. icemaker
  36. quackendrill
  37. piratihatitator
  38. ox_flute
  39. fabric
  40. limestone
  41. nubbin
  42. ice
  43. messagebottleempty
  44. spear_poison
  45. armorseashell
  46. armorlimestone
  47. armorcactus
  48. oxhat
  49. blowdart_poison
  50. coconade
  51. spear_launcher
  52. cutlass
  53. brainjellyhat
  54. watermelonhat
  55. shark_teethhat
  56. icehat
  57. beehat
  58. snakeskinhat
  59. blubbersuit
  60. tarsuit
  61. reflectivevest
  62. hawaiianshirt
  63. double_umbrellahat
  64. armor_windbreaker
  65. gashat
  66. aerodynamichat
  67. lograft
  68. raft
  69. rowboat
  70. cargoboat
  71. armouredboat
  72. encrustedboat
  73. boatrepairkit
  74. sail
  75. clothsail
  76. snakeskinsail
  77. feathersail
  78. ironwind
  79. boatcannon
  80. seatrap
  81. trawlnet
  82. telescope
  83. supertelescope
  84. captainhat
  85. piratehat
  86. armor_lifejacket
  87. buoy
  88. quackeringram
  89. tar_extractor
  90. sea_yard
  91. obsidianmachete
  92. obsidianaxe
  93. spear_obsidian
  94. volcanostaff
  95. armorobsidian
  96. obsidiancoconade
  97. wind_conch
  98. sail_stick


  1. candlehat
  2. bathat
  3. lantern
  4. corkchest
  5. turf_road
  6. turf_checkerfloor
  7. turf_carpetfloor
  8. turf_beard_hair
  9. turf_lawn
  10. turf_fields
  11. sprinkler
  12. bugrepellent
  13. featherfan
  14. antler
  15. shears
  16. smelter
  17. basefan
  18. hogusporkusator
  19. clawpalmtree_sapling
  20. goldnugget
  21. venomgland
  22. halberd
  23. cork_bat
  24. armor_weevole
  25. antmaskhat
  26. antsuit
  27. metalplatehat
  28. armor_metalplate
  29. blunderbuss
  30. gasmaskhat
  31. pithhat
  32. thunderhat
  33. e(peagawkfeatherhat
  34. snakeskinhat
  35. lograft
  36. rowboat
  37. corkboat
  38. cargoboat
  39. snakeskinsail
  40. disarming_kit
  41. ballpein_hammer
  42. goldpan
  43. magnifying_glass
  44. turf_foundation
  45. turf_cobbleroad
  46. city_lamp
  47. pighouse_city
  48. pig_shop_deli
  49. pig_shop_general
  50. pig_shop_hoofspa
  51. pig_shop_produce
  52. pig_shop_florist
  53. pig_shop_antiquities
  54. pig_shop_arcane
  55. pig_shop_weapons
  56. pig_shop_hatshop
  57. pig_shop_cityhall_player
  58. pig_guard_tower
  59. securitycontract
  60. playerhouse_city
  61. exterior_villa




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we sure hope we'll get more recipes (food) when aporkalypse arrives.
especially for warly, we feel like he's lacking special dishes, it would be nice if he got more dishes that could only be made in his special crockpot.
(and warly is the only non-RoG dlc character whose perks actually work okay in a non-shipwrecked world (or hamlet if they are from hamlet))

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16 hours ago, ansuman said:

Je pense qu'Hamlet fait défaut en particulier dans 3 départements et que je ne verrais que quelques ajouts supplémentaires. Ce sont des recettes de nourriture, l'artisanat et des structures naturelles uniques.



  Révéler les contenus cachés


  1. Bisque de homard
  2. Jelly-O Pop
  3. Crêpes Aux Fruits Frais
  4. Caviar
  5. Rouleau de Californie
  6. Banane Pop
  7. Bisque
  8. café
  9. Ceviche
  10. Monstre tartare
  11. Moules Bouillabaise
  12. Souper au homard
  13. Souffle De Patate Douce
  14. Surf & Turf
  15. gombo de poisson
  16. Soupe aux ailerons de requin
  17. Bouillabaisse Tropicale


  1. thé
  2. Thé glacé
  3. Soupe d'aspèrges
  4. Veg Stinger épicé
  5. Rouleaux d'ortie
  6. Soupe d'os de serpent
  7. Tacos à la coquille dure
  8. Sandwich au jambon cuit à la vapeur
  9. Feijoada
  10. Gâteau gommeux





  Révéler les contenus cachés


  1. chiminea
  2. le feu de camp
  3. feu froid
  4. Coldfirepit
  5. obsidienne
  6. bottlelantern
  7. bateau_torch
  8. boat_lantern
  9. sea_chiminea
  10. waterchest
  11. wall_limestone_item
  12. wall_enforcedlimestone_item
  13. Wildborehouse
  14. Ballphinhouse
  15. primeapebarrel
  16. Dragoonden
  17. turf_road
  18. turf_snakeskinfloor
  19. sandbagsmall_item
  20. sand_castle
  21. mussel_stick
  22. boîte d'abeille
  23. ferme aquacole
  24. moules_bed
  25. balle de singe
  26. palmleaf_umbrella
  27. antivenin
  28. heatrock
  29. ce paquet
  30. palmleaf_hut
  31. tropicalfan
  32. sac de mer
  33. doydoynest
  34. recherchelab5
  35. machine à glaçons
  36. quackendrill
  37. piratage
  38. ox_flute
  39. en tissu
  40. calcaire
  41. nubbin
  42. la glace
  43. messagebottleempty
  44. spear_poison
  45. armorseashell
  46. armorlimestone
  47. armorcactus
  48. oxhat
  49. blowdart_poison
  50. coconade
  51. spear_launcher
  52. coutelas
  53. cervelle
  54. melon d'eau
  55. requin_teethhat
  56. glace
  57. beehat
  58. peau de serpent
  59. blubbersuit
  60. tarsuit
  61. gilet réfléchissant
  62. hawaiianshirt
  63. double_umbrellahat
  64. armor_windbreaker
  65. gashat
  66. aérodynamique
  67. lograft
  68. radeau
  69. canot à rames
  70. cargoboat
  71. bateau blindé
  72. bateau incrusté
  73. boatrepairkit
  74. voile
  75. voile de toile
  76. peau de serpent
  77. voile de plumes
  78. Ironwind
  79. canot de bateau
  80. ceinture de sécurité
  81. chalut
  82. télescope
  83. supertelescope
  84. capitaine
  85. piratehat
  86. armor_lifejacket
  87. bouée
  88. quackeringram
  89. tar_extractor
  90. cour de la mer
  91. obsidianmachete
  92. obsidienne
  93. spear_obsidian
  94. volcanostaff
  95. armorobsidian
  96. obsidiancoconade
  97. wind_conch
  98. sail_stick


  1. bougie
  2. bathat
  3. lanterne
  4. corkchest
  5. turf_road
  6. turf_checkerfloor
  7. turf_carpetfloor
  8. turf_beard_hair
  9. turf_lawn
  10. turf_fields
  11. arroseur
  12. insectifuge
  13. featherfan
  14. ramure
  15. cisailles
  16. fonderie
  17. basefan
  18. hogusporkusator
  19. clawpalmtree_sapling
  20. goldnugget
  21. venomgland
  22. halberd
  23. cork_bat
  24. armor_weevole
  25. antmaskhat
  26. antsuit
  27. metalplatehat
  28. armor_metalplate
  29. blunderbuss
  30. gasmaskhat
  31. pithhat
  32. thunderhat
  33. e(peagawkfeatherhat
  34. snakeskinhat
  35. lograft
  36. rowboat
  37. corkboat
  38. cargoboat
  39. snakeskinsail
  40. disarming_kit
  41. ballpein_hammer
  42. goldpan
  43. magnifying_glass
  44. turf_foundation
  45. turf_cobbleroad
  46. city_lamp
  47. pighouse_city
  48. pig_shop_deli
  49. pig_shop_general
  50. pig_shop_hoofspa
  51. pig_shop_produce
  52. pig_shop_florist
  53. pig_shop_antiquities
  54. pig_shop_arcane
  55. pig_shop_weapons
  56. pig_shop_hatshop
  57. pig_shop_cityhall_player
  58. pig_guard_tower
  59. securitycontract
  60. playerhouse_city
  61. exterior_villa




Why Chiminea, there is no wind.

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