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Game Update 291341, The Modders Change-log!

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this is a full list of changes, including stuff klei might have glossed over in their patch notes!
(note: this is only code changes, it would be far to taxing at-least at this moment to go over image and animation changes)

  • builder:ActivateCurrentResearchMachine(recipe) now has the argument "recipe" which is the recipe being made.
  • a new type of prototyping station called a manufacturing station has been added.
  • manufacturing stations must spawn the manufactured product themselves, instead of the builder component doing it for them.
  • the event "builditem" is no longer pushed inside the function builder:DoBuild(recname, pt, rotation, skin)
  • the explosive component has a bool explosive.skip_camera_flash which skips the camera flash done by explosions.
  • the fueled component pushes now pushes an event called "onfueldsectionchanged", which afaik is when stuff like the firepits change size...
  • the fueled component also now uses SourceModifierList which allows things to modify how slow or fast the fuel burns.
  • prototyper:Activate(doer, recipe) has a new argument "recipe" which is you guessed it the recipe being made.
  • the campfire, firepit, coldfire, and coldfirepit can get the debuffable component(See SourceModifierList change note.)
  • fx, can now contain a itable of anims to have a random one chosen.
  • the winter tree, has a tag called "decoratable" which is now used for decorating trees instead of the tag "winter_tree".

that's all the changes for this update, expect these with every update that klei pushes!
for a more gameplay related overview of this update checkout Game Update 291341, The Players Change-log!

Previous update: Game Update 288704, The Modders Change-log!

Edited by Zarklord
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