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Trading with Womant Queen

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 Right now Womant Queen is just a boss that drops crown, which allows player to build their own city/skyworthy. My idea is to make Womant Queen more interesting and mant diguise more useful. What if player could interract with manthill residents, similar to pigs in towns? Of course it would be more limited, since they seem to be less intelligent, but still. Maybe allow player to trade with Womant Queen (as long as disguised), make her something like Pig King/Yaarctopus or more? Sounds good to involve pheromone stone in this, somehow.

 That would create a choice - kill Womant Queen and get both rewards from pigs or sacrifice one of them but keep the abbility to interract with mant community. Teaming up with mants like that would both have its downside (no skyworthy/pig town building) but also interesting, useful upsides that are yet to be invented!

 The best thing is that this idea doesn't stop anyone from having all the benefits! Player could just kill Womant Queen and take the crown with them to second world (providing that worldhopping will be a thing) and don't kill her second time. This sounds like big encouragement for worldhopping, which also seems good.

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