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Like with all other doorways in the game (cave entrance, cave exit, shipwrecked portal...)  navigating in and out of the town buildings, ruins, etc. require you click on a certain area in order to enter and exit. This works just fine for the horizontally oriented doorways such as the one below,

image.png.8c4e454b3eecece1e6696bc88089779c.png(The larger and more obvious, the better)

But the vertically oriented doorways and the small square mats of the town buildings are a bit trickier to interface with; especially in the former area, where it is dimly lit and the player is most likely already busy trying to navigate around obstacles such as traps and monsters to click on the door. The mats themselves are nice detail, but are the least obvious doorway of all the ones in the game and are difficult to distinguish from the other environment details at first glance.


This is probably an element of game play that takes just a bit of time to adjust to (it only took me a matter of seconds to adjust to every unfamiliar doorway), but if might preferable to also move between areas by walking into the doorways (if that is possible and hasn't been considered already).

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1 minute ago, starrynytex said:

You can also click the space bar as your stand in the doorway.

To be honest I'm not sure if I've ever used spacebar on a doorway before, so thanks for bringing that to my attention! I'm still of the belief that it would be fun if in the ruins the player would automatically go through the doorway in a dungeon-crawler kind of manner, but using the spacebar is definitely an option!

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Think the side doorways could be a bit more noticeable indeed, but the mat in the shops feels like it works to me since the game shows "exit" as an option if you put the mouse on top of it. But yes, side doorways are a bit harder to find.

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