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(HELP) Making mobs NEUTRAL towards a character?

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Hello! I'm currently working on a character mod (and soon, possibly a few more for my friends)

For my own character, I've got most things for him figured out (Insomniac, hunger rate, strength, starting items) but I need help with a few others...

Mainly, I want to know if there's a way to make bees, killer bees, bee guardians and the bee queen neutral towards him (Unless deliberately attacked of course), similar to spiders with Webber, and also if there's a way for him to lose sanity during a thunderstorm (or lose a big amount of sanity if struck by lighting) 

Any help?

P.S. I guess it's worth noting I'm using Dleowolf's DST character template.

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Did you look at how Webber is friends with spiders? That could be a good place to start.

It'll probably involve doing AddPrefabPostInit for each of the monsters you want to change. Likely, you're looking at overriding some of the functions in their combat components, to avoid a new, custom tag you put on your character. Be aware, that combat component also has a combat_replica component (for multiplayer purposes), which you might have to look at.

If anyone else has a better idea, be my guest :)

Edited by Ultroman
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Monsters will ignore your character if she/he is one of them of course. In order to make it real you have to add tag "monster" into your character's prefab file (common_postinit section). It should look like this:


local common_postinit = function(inst) 
	-- Minimap icon
	inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "YOURCHARACTERNAME.tex" )

Be careful now because pigs will show you no mercy since spiders are your new buddies :)

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I think what OP wants, is for specific monsters (bees) to consider him a friend, and not all monsters, which is considerably more difficult. It'll most likely involve adding tags to the monsters and/or the character itself. Look at how bees work, and why they don't attack each other.

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