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Alternative Electrolyzer Solution

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27 minutes ago, psusi said:

I've never seen the point of tune-ups.  With a NG geyser and generator, I have more power than I know what to do with.  At least half of the time, generators are idle, so if you did tune them up, half of it would be wasted.  Well, even more since with higher output, they would spend more time idle.  And each time you do, it costs precious metal.

well, this post is titled "How to Squeeze Out More Power" with the goal to build more efficient systems. Simply burning more fuel is not really a good answer here. Generator idle time is another factor you could optimize regarding tune-ups, e.g. only put some of your generators into a power station room for base load and non-tuned-up generators as flexible backup, or just reduce your generator count because thanks to tune ups you need fewer of them. 33% less fuel consumption is nothing to scoff at, and at the end of the day, your fuel gathering rate is hard-capped by your geyser outputs.

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@Cipupec2 Thank you so much for your advice. I'm sorry I didn't put other layouts there.

5 hours ago, Cipupec2 said:

You should set the Hydro pump to 500 and the oxygen to higher number so that it only start to work to prevent overpressurization

In my experience, all gases in that area has pressure over 1k all the time. I'm not sure if I'm right, but my theory is high pressure O2 will compress other gases near it too. My H2 gas pumps only goal are transporting H2, mainly to H2 generator, rest to anti-nullifier which I keep running most of the time for nothing, and sometimes new woots rooms. I have to make sure that it only takes in H2 and so it won't break H2 generator or anti-nullifiers (will O2 break anti-nullifiers?). Most of the time when overpressure or "insufficient O2 gen" happens, the gas layout shows my base has plenty of O2, so I would conclude electrolyzer stopped for good and O2 is actually very sufficient.

5 hours ago, Cipupec2 said:

a valve to help fill the wheezwort room with hydrogen

Sorry my screenshot is confusing. That woot room is optional and it's sealed, it's there just to cool down the electrolyzer itself. This woot room will keeps things as cool as 20C even when I put some hot refinery there. I feel the satisfactory when I see it's spreading blue aura when I check the temp layout. I used to put woots at the top where H2 stays and connect them and electrolyzer with temp shifts, but that didn't work even tho they were only 7 tiles away. I know I can leave woots room's bottom open, but H2 will travel in and out when regional pressure changes. So I closed it with H2 of high pressure. Even if I need to open it in the future, H2 will get housed at the top of the room which is fine.

5 hours ago, Cipupec2 said:

I am not sure what are you using the gas filter for,

The gas filter is for suit docks. because sometimes dupes pass that area and left some CO2 which is gathered by that pump accidentally and damage the docks. If only for O2 gen, it's optional too.


The second screenshot is when I had a bad location of cool steam vent. It was left side of base instead of top, next to natural gas geyser, next to freezing biome, and also next to little ruin room. I don't like to damage biomes so I had to squeeze this room there and open up its right side to base, which is ideal. But it works. I'm putting it there just to show that it doesn't have to have an open bottom. Usually I just build things as I see fit and I have this obsession of peace with surroundings.

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