Shiny Shiny Shrines...

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Copied from my reply in a general chat thread:"I have been toying with the idea in my head of a shrine system and how it could work. I initially considered shrines as something you would find generated into your world, a landmark so to speak, at which you could make sacrifices of meat or gold (as basic examples) with varying effects. Sacrificing meat to a dark shrine could increase difficulty on an unseen scale... hound attacks could become more frequent, or in larger packs, sanity could drain at a faster rate... and adversely gifting gold to a light shrine would move this unseen scale in the opposite direction... hound attacks could become less frequent, sanity drain decreased etc. Both these functions could even be handled with one shrine, dependent merely on what is inserted into it. This "sacrifice" or "gift to the gods" system could allow you to dynamically change your experience, even affecting the appearance of the character. (Wilson sporting a halo or growing little devil horns anyone?)"

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