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Ideas for the future!? Suggestions for ONI devs

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Ok, I want to begin another topic about ONI and what can be done in it... Or rather, what could be added to make it more challenging and interesting. Basically, I want to hear what you want from the devs and what should be added, at least in your opinion, into the game. I'm primarily writing this cause I am working on something, that will be revealed later, that I feel is somewhat easy to add into the game... Well, easy enough to an extent to which the devs can copy (totally cool with that, so you know) and basically figure out how to animate and program all that stuff that I give them. They may divide the work load though, cause I have a lot in mind. Anyway, tell me what you want to add into the game! (dluocuoyfi)

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That's great that you have so many ideas! One of the things I love about Klei is how they have these forums for us to discuss this sort of stuff on. I think this topic may be more apt for the "suggestions and feedback" thread of the forums, versus this "general discussions" you find yourself in now. That way it's more likely to be seen by your target audience - devs and players with suggestions like your own. Happy hunting!


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