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Modifying local functions/variables from modmain.lua?

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So here's the thing I'm trying to do:

In the prefabs/evergreens.lua we have table "local builds", in which I'd like to change a few values. I've tried doing 

AddPrefabPostInit("evergreens", function(inst)
    builds.twiggy.rebirth_loot = {loot="twigs", max=4}

and while it doesn't break the game it doesn't really do anything

Another thing I've been trying to figure out is in components/lootdropper there is a "local function SplashOceanLoot(loot, cb)" which I'm also having troubles with accessing it. I know that if I'd like to modify "function LootDropper:FlingItem(loot, pt, bouncedcb)" I could do:

local Lootdropper = require "components/lootdropper" and then simpy override it with "function Lootdropper:FlingItem(loot, pt, bouncedcb)", but since SplashOceanLoot is local function I'm not sure how to refrence it. I know i could replace whole file with my own and it would work, but that way it wouldn't be really compatible and would easily break, so I'd like to do it from modmain.lua

Any tips appresiated :)

Edited by Skrzelik
being more specific
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You can't modify local functions or variables from outside their scope, unless they are somehow passed on or indirectly accessible, in which case they are not true local functions and variables.

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4 minutes ago, Joachim said:

You can't modify local functions or variables from outside their scope, unless they are somehow passed on or indirectly accessible, in which case they are not true local functions and variables.

Yeah, it's hat I was affraid of. Do you happen to know if you can change your environment to get access to the file where it's been declared? Or alternativly how would you attempt to change previously mentioned "local function SplashOceanLoot" so that I could use GetModConfigData inside of it? If I replace entire file I cant call that function, and from modmain you cant modyfiy SplashOceanLoot, so it's a deadlock for me :/ 


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