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Mid-Game base slowdown advice?

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3 hours ago, goboking said:

Alternatively, skip building ladders and floors altogether.  It's possible to build straight up or down if you leave your dupes a foothold every two tiles (see picture below).  This allows your miner to explore the asteroid without relying on your builder's assistance.


While you will no longer be dependent on the cooperation of your Builder by doing this, you will incur a marked reduction in vertical speed this way.  Dupes will climb a Ladder quite a bit faster than they can jump across gaps.  A Ladder is always more effective than a staircase for this reason.  From the same starting point, taking a Ladder down then running across is faster than a diagonal staircase from the same start to the same finish, even without floor Tiles to enhance run speed.

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ah but you can build the switch back initially and literally tuck a gapped ladder build into it without destroying the switchbacks, then clear out the switch back while back building the pole beside the ladder shaft.  Using one method to scale up to the next is how I manage to keep things flowing, on the plus side the switchback build typically has a superb spot for the ladder break(a spot with a tile in the ladder line and one beside it slightly lower so that dupes are forced around the tile, that way anything they drop only falls part way)

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